In keeping with my blog's latest trend of posting links instead of content, here's a link to
an awesome music video done with googly eyes.
As for content, well, I'm three weeks from the end of semester. Three papers due this week (one on a book I've yet to read), and next week a paper and a quiz, and the week after that is a research presentation and finals. And then NOTHING! WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
(All right, technically in this case "nothing" means a job at a fancy giftshop, applying to two different universities for study abroad, applying for scholarships till my fingers fall off, reading lots of books, hanging out with cool people I miss, praying that my residency requirement will be waived, and having to go back to Wadsworth for a couple of days. But in comparison to college...yeah, it's a whole wonderful lot of nothing. Anything that's not a paper makes my soul sing for joy.)