Amazing Vibrating Slade

Apr 05, 2006 22:45

P=Paper=2 days' staring at computer screen+headache
T=tea=1/2 tsp Bengal chai+1/2 tsp M
(M=Mate vana=1 part mate+1 part espresso)
W=1 glass rose wine
D=deadline=6 PM

P+A+E+T+W+D+S=1 vibrating, ferrety Slade who's having trouble making her fingers work and has to pee now, kthxbye

PS. Yes, I promise never to do this to myself ever again. Jesusallahbuddha, it's disturbing lifting your fingers off the keyboard and watching them continue to tap like they belong to a Morse coder with shell-shock. If I could type at the speed they're shaking, I'd be done with this paper by now.
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