- anne picked me up after i babysat for an hour which would make it like 5:40pm
- we drove from there to the state theater and i got to meet her weird brother
- her mom dropped us off at the doors
- we had to walk 4 blocks to get to the end of the line
- i was wearing a tank top and it was 30 degrees out
- we waited in line and this bum asked for money for some 'charity donation' thing and i said no
- we waited some more and annes pedifile man showed up! scary!
- we tried to avoid him AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
- the lady checked our bags but didn't seem to notice *something*
- we got in and found our own personal comfy couch
- we sat on the comfy couch and anne and i scoped out all the 'hotties'
- the ultamite hotties of the party , infact, turned out to be a couple (two girls) oh my god they were gods
- played detectives and managed to avoid pedifile man twice
- anne looked up the ultamate hotties' skirt's by 'accident'
- we saw this adorable girly emo boy that we followed around
- while following emo boy i put my bag in the coat closet
- the dead 60's opened up for garbage and were really good !
- went to the comfy chair until garbage started playing
- they opened with the song 'queer' which was amazing
- shirley manson was 'dead sexy'
- we 'swam' our way into the middle of the crowd
- one of the girls we were standing behind started grinding me
- after a while of trying to tell anne what she was doing and he not understanding i shoved anne in front of the girl
- the girl then humped anne for the rest of the concert
- i concluded that the girl was a slut
- i walked out of the pit 4 songs before it ended and went and sat on the comfy chair alone
- from there you could see the ultamate hotties in perfect view
- and they were SO ADORABLE
- they kept dancing VERY VERYVERYVERYVERY good
- it was practically like some ...porn.
- then at the end they kissed!
- this guy hit on me , gah
- i found anne and we went to stand in line for shirts
- while standing in line pedifile found us and wouldnt leave us alone even though there is a restraining order against him so that hes not allowed to go near or talk to anne
- he kept touching anne sexually so i had to pretend that i was anes girlfriend and stop him from doing so
- anne was shaking she was so scared
- there was free beer on the table , but it wasn't fresh , blagh
- we bought 3 shirts
- finally RAN away from pedifile man
- turned the corner and waited by the back door
- the sewer holes warmed me up while we waited
- finally she came out and anne and i rushed to the edge of the baricade
- anne was shaking and FREAKING OUT
- i asked her to sign my boob and she did
- she signed it and talked to me
- told some guys to stop shoving me and they did
- she said it was hard enough to write on such a delicate thing
- and then we talked for a while while she was signing even though people were squishing me
- and she aske dif i was about to barf , because they had me pinned up hanging over the rail , but i wasnt guna
- anne and i skipped with linked arms all the way down the block after that squealing
- this guy almost gave us a "g" and thought it stood for gangsta
- so naturaly i had to act all ghetto and was like kafcbgjhcgbiksbgvg
- then annes mom came with her brother
- we laughed so much in the car back
- listened to msi and laughed even harder
- talked about our future and had the night of our lives
MSI is may 27th.... i can't wait.