It's Tuesday and everybody had school today except me.
Because guess what, I don't go to ROHS anymore.
I start at Roeper on Thursday.
Yesterday I got really sick with a fever and such so I asked Kaitlin & Justin if they could get my cough drops.
They went to Wallgreens and drove them to my house. It was really nice of them and it made me feel better.
Today I was still sick and puked so Melanie went into Eric's kitchen and made me up a grilled cheese & soup.
She's my everything. I recovered after eating & it turned into a mighty fine afternoon.
Until Jenny got mad at me. Which I deserve. I hope I can make it up to her.
Now it's almost four and I don't know what to do with myself for the rest of the day.
My face is dry , scaley , and hideous.
Maybe later tonight I'll go out to dinner with people.
Life is going to be so great once I'm on my feet with my baby.
In our snug apartment. Holding her falling asleep in bed.
Oh yeah, I need to make a trip to Office Depot.
Cash money where are you?