just a little gay poem i wrote...i dont even know if it makes sense, but it does to me...this poem is detikated.
"unwilling love"
just hold me under and drowned me so i will no longer have to live to see you die
you hurt yourself so much and you dont realize how much your going to lose
your going to leave a broken heart and a faintly remembered name behind
you say love is pain so make it hurt,
why forget something you know you loved but were to afraid to reveal?
you say my name like its something secret.
why you do the things you do is beyond me but it will further your expectations of who you think you will be.
i remember all of our memories when i lie at night to rest while you stay up and erase every last thing you ever did that was the best,
you are upset about something and you hide it behind your eyes.
i noticed something written on your face with the blood from your arm, maybe this is a signal that you need me
i tell you to stop because i love you, but you say no because you wanna hate me.
i would like to hate you so bad too but i cant stop this anymore than you.
-by: me.-
my deff of an unwilling love
unwilling love-
2.someone who likes you and wants to love you but they hold back because they are t0o afraid to experience something new.
3.someone you love and they dont love you back.
5. someone you wanna kill becuase you love them and they dont realize it.
i cant even cry anymore b.c my tears were wasted on him