Aug 28, 2006 17:58
First day of classes, so far so good! Way rusty on the German though, definitely need to brush up on that vocab.
Weight Training:
8 am, but not as bad as I thought. And at least lifiting weights doesnt require any great powers of cognition.
General Psych:
Awesome prof. Looks like a crazy little gnome. Seriously. Weird beard, sticky out ears, and just general gnome-ness. Lectures should be entertaining.
Cool prof. Very gay, very German, very fun. Need to brush up though. And lots of homework. Which I was completely unable even to decipher without the extensive aid of my handy German-English dictionary.
Modern Architecture:
I was originally kind of iffy about the class, but it's going to be AMAZING. The professor is electric. Just sitting in class listening to the introduction was awesome. Same feeling as doing art. 12 page term paper, but this class will definitely be more than worth it.