2nd post in less than a month

Dec 05, 2010 10:31

I am supposed to be working on my last sociology of the family paper, so this would be the traditional time to update. Feeling very cold these days temperature wise. I always forget how cold it can get until it gets there. I think we are finally putting plastic on the windows this evening.

The semester since returning to the states has had its ups and downs, but I think it balances out in the positive. I am pleased with the way everything is shaping up for the new year. I had almost talked myself into taking three classes at the same time again, but outside intervention on a number of fronts made me feel pretty happy about the two that I am taking and then doing some outside workshops, etc.

Currently in the process of looking for a new job, which is much needed but I am not stressing it enough to get drastic about it. That is, I am going to wait until I find something that actually seems appropriate. When the time comes, I know that it will become available.

Ever since I got back, I have been very happy to be home. I have spent a lot of time trying to make the apartment a home that I want to stay in. We went to IKEA the other weekend and bought a coffee table for the living room, and we are looking at some other items as well, including a new desk for me. I feel like I am really pleased with all of these little things that are happening, but they are all new for me, and I am trying to be careful to enjoy them.

In a way most of next semester will be a throw away, but they seem important, because I frequently find myself complaining about not having the time for them. I also had given thought to transferring into the main school, but I have since decided against it. I worry about getting into a graduate program, but I think the grad program will be easier than law school and one way or another I will eventually do both.

The line up for spring is:

1) January 2-week session: Fiction Writing (basically a 2 week writing intensive workshop) I really enjoyed the j-term I did last year, and I have high hopes for my class this year.

2) Mondays: Creative Writing: Poetry Workshop: This, along with the one above are the "throw aways" that really I feel like I need to take because I miss taking a more constructive look at my writing.

3) Tuesdays: Visual Representations of Space Through Time: A History of Maps: This is the crown jewel of the semester. I am really looking forward to this class because it is the closest to examining areas that I wanted my actual major to focus on. It looks not just at geographical maps but examines the social, political, philosophical motivations around maps. Yay!

4) Wednesdays: Two friends of mine, Rabia and Zakir Amin Povich, will be offering an abridged version of the Suluk Academy teachings over the next few months. Suluk is something that I plan on taking in the future and I am excited at the prospect of being able to get an in depth sample of what it will be like.

Now back to paper writing.

writing, suluk, landscapes, life, maps, spring semester

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