PICSPAM: Tyler/Caroline in Season 1

Sep 08, 2010 13:10

EXTREMELY IMAGEHEAVY, NOT DIAL UP FRIENDLY AT ALL. If your internet connection is slow you might have to wait for the images to load.

For Tiff's belated birthday present she begged me to do a Tyler/Caroline picspam of basically any scene in which they have some form of interaction/mention each other/glance in each other's general direction.  At first I didn't get her insane love for this pairing other than the fact that they're both pretty, but rewatching the series I see it.  It could totally work, they have compatible personalities and they seem like they have a good dynamic.  Michael Trevino ships it too, so there you go.  Don't get me wrong, I adore Matt/Caroline to pieces but I just really really wish he treated her better and that she wasn't his second choice.

Here you go babe! Happy Birthday.



Caroline: Wait. You slept with Vicki Donovan. I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you?
Tyler: There's no way.


Caroline: I can NOT believe Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething!


Tyler: Cider? For the ladies? It's a Lockwood special.
Bonnie: Ugh no way. Last year I was hung over until Thanksgiving.
Caroline: (scoffs) Lightweight.

Caroline: I am going to drink until someone is hot enough to make out with.
Tyler: Sounds like a plan.


Tyler: So what's up with you and Forbes?
Matt: Nothing's up.
Tyler: I saw you two in the hall today. Don't even try to deny it, bro. You're tapping that.
Matt: No, it's not like that.
Tyler: It never is.

Tyler: Until you become 'we' people.
Matt: 'We' people?
Tyler: Yeah. 'We' can't make it to the party...'we'll' never miss a game...'we' don't like the colour red.
Matt: We hung out like...twice.
Tyler: Like I said. 'We.'

Tyler: I need a ride.
Matt: Sure.

Matt: Look, I like Caroline.

Matt: She's got this...this thing, this way about her and I like it okay? I'm not going to defend it or apologize about it.
Tyler: Okay.
Matt: So stop your little bromance bitch act.
Tyler: Okay.


Tyler: Swoop!
Matt: Hey.
Tyler: Where's your date?
Matt: Who knows.
Tyler: Awww, is the honeymoon over already?
Matt: Maybe.

Tyler: After all that grief you gave me about liking her. I figured it would have lasted longer than five minutes!
Matt: I just...I don't know if I can do the whole public couple thing. She...she seems like she might be a little clingy.

Tyler: ...Well good. I need my boy single anyway.

Tyler: Ohhh. Incoming.
Caroline: Hey! There you are!
Matt: Here I am!

Tyler: Yeah well I'm not drunk enough, so I'm just gonna go get another beer.
Caroline: (laughs)



Caroline: You know, this whole float is supposed to be about friends creating something together and everyone is fighting. Matt and Tyler hate each other, you and Elena are on the outs, I...I don't like it. And I can't fix it if I don't know what's wrong.

Tyler: Hey man.
Matt: Yeah?
Tyler: So...Caroline tells me you've been on your own for the past two weeks. Is everything okay?
I would love to see this conversation. What exactly did she say to him post-Kelly Donovan fiasco?

Caroline: The ambulance is saying 15 to 20 minutes!
Tyler: I have my car, I can take him to the hospital.
Matt: Caroline can take me!
Caroline: I didn't drive!

Matt: Then I'll wait, it's fine.
Caroline: You will not wait, okay. You need to see a doctor, Tyler's driving, end of story.
Matt: Fine.
Caroline: GO!
Tyler: I'll bring my car around.


Caroline: I want one with Bonnie now.
Tyler: Here, I can take it.
Matt: I'll be on the float.

Tyler: I said I was sorry!

Caroline: You made out with his mother and then you beat him to a pulp. You're gonna have to do a little bit better than 'sorry'.

Caroline: There was this time, freshman year, when Bonnie and I were in a fight and we swore that we would never talk again.
Matt: Caroline give it a rest.
She's trying to patch their friendship up and it's sweet.

Mayor Lockwood: What are you doing here? I told you to go home.
Tyler: I decided not to.
Mayor Lockwood: I tell you to do something, you do it!
Tyler: Get off me!

Caroline: Mayor is everything okay?
Mayor Lockwood: Please Tyler, I need you to go home. Now. Take your friends with you.
Caroline Forbes to the rescue~

Matt: Why? What's going on?
Mayor Lockwood: I can't explain. All of you need to go home, now. Please.
Tyler: ...Yeah. Okay.

Mayor Lockwood: Here. Take my car. It's out back. Caroline, Matt, go with him.

Tyler: What the hell is that?
Caroline: What's the matter?
Tyler: That noise!
Caroline: Wait what noise?

Caroline: Tyler? Tyler!
Matt: Caroline, the wheel!
Caroline: Tyler!

Matt: Hey are you okay? Your signs have to be seen.
Caroline: I'm fine, I'm fine.
Matt: No, they NEED to check you out.
Caroline: No I'm fine, I'm fine, they're helping Tyler.

Medic #1: Pulse is steady.
Medic #2: What the hell?
Matt: What? What's wrong? 
Medic #2:The eyes.
Tyler: What happened?
Matt: Don't scare me like that.

Random Stranger: Hey! She needs some help over here!
Matt: Caroline! Guys, over here! Caroline hey, Caroline hey, wake up! I'm gonna need you to wake up, Car.

Tyler: Hey man. I'm so sorry. Look, I don't even know what happened.
Matt: It's okay man. She'll be alright.

Matt: What's happening, is she alright?
Sheriff Forbes: Uh there was some internal bleeding. They're taking her into surgery.
This was all capped/cleaned/coloured by me. PLEASE do not repost the images anywhere like on Tumblr/Fanpop/etc. Instead, feel free to link this post around.

There you go! And I didn't even include extra stuff like Caroline/Mrs. Lockwood interaction and Tyler's cousin being Caroline's Miss Mystic Falls escort.

They're both good-looking, fiesty characters (with the same interests) who are friends/hang out together, it could totally work. Besides, Tyler will have a love interest eventually and him and Bonnie have barely had a scene together. It all works out. Come on, there's already eyesex and toasts and double takes and passive-aggressive bromance bitch acts and attempting to fix friendships and history (she knows about the way his dad is) and concern and life altering car crashes and more concern! And that's from, like, a grand total of 10 minutes in a 22 episode season.

Happy Birthday Tiff! I hope it was amazing!

picspam time, the vampire diaries: love sucks, happy birthday to you

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