Round One: Prompts.

Sep 05, 2007 09:50

Gen, Het, Slash and Mixed Bag Prompts.


Draco Malfoy has had enough of Harry Potter and he wants to transfer to Durmstrang. Lucius takes him for an interview.

Lucius is made Head Boy. This is everything he has been working for.

The war is over, but his family's trust in him has been shattered. Lucius must change his entire life in order to win them back. Post Deathly Hallows. May be AU if required.

Lucius ponders how one decision, made in the past, could have prevented his current circumstances. Canon through 1-7.

Lucius, aged 10, in Ollivander's, buying his very first wand.

Please tell me how someone as intelligent and as politically minded became a minion of a half-blood with weak ideals.

Lucius is gasping for a drink, but the only free seating is at a table occupied by Rubeus Hagrid.

Disheartened by the lack of real evil in the world, Lucius tries to form his own band of merry miscreants.

Lucius discovers that his blood is not so pure after all.

Lucius has installed a new 'security system' at Malfoy Manor. Will it be more trouble than it's worth? Must include a magical creature.

Half-way through winter term at Hogwarts year seven, Draco runs away. Lucius must retrieve him before the Dark Lord notices his disappearance. Canon or AU. Post Deathly Hallows.

Unable to get a job anywhere, Lucius does the only thing he can think of: he starts his own business.

Dobby has gone, set free by that blasted Potter boy and his loathsome sock. Lucius is devastated beyond words.

After an ancient wizarding law is uncovered, it comes to light that the Malfoys actually own Hogwarts. There are to be some changes.

Lucius starts school - The little prince surveys his kingdom and begins selecting minions.

Lucius teaches his son how to fly a broomstick.

Draco is seriously hurt in a school Quidditch match and is sent to St Mungo's. Lucius is immediately by his side.

Lucius' first day as prefect.

Head held high but his fingers shaking, little Lucius Malfoy waits for the Hogwarts Express for the first time.

Lucius Malfoy discovers The Sims. He finds a new respect for Muggles.

Draco casts a spell that goes horribly wrong. He's turned his parents into snails! Oh noes!

Lucius as a grandfather - does he chide Draco for not being strict enough, or does he spoil Scorpius behind Draco's back? (Or both?).


Lucius meets the woman of his dreams. But can he tell her how much she means to him without letting his guard down?

Narcissa is beside herself with worry for her son. Convinced that Draco will die trying to carry out the Dark Lord's orders, she begins a plan to break her husband free from Azkaban. Half-Blood Prince AU.

Lucius has a fetish which cannot be denied. Must include dialog with Dobby.

Hermione Granger smells like roses and money - Lucius Malfoy's favourite combination.

Lucius has escaped Azkaban, but can he get to his family in time? Half-Blood Prince AU.

A spell goes terribly wrong and Lucius is left permanently disfigured/disabled.

Luna Lovegood has taken over as editor of The Quibbler. She comes to Malfoy Manor to request an interview with Lucius, Good Wizard Turned Bad Then Turned Good, Then Bad Again and Then Good. Or something like that.

Lucius and Tonks. She loves his hair. He loves her metamorphing nose.

Lucius and who?!

Flourish and Blotts has never been a traditional pick-up joint, but Lucius is willing to give it a go. After all, he likes a woman who read widely.

While browsing in Borgin and Burkes, Lucius bumps into the last person he expects to see.

Narcissa makes peace with her sister Andromeda. The two get very drunk and so does Lucius. Sex occurs.

Lucius Malfoy and Molly Weasley, a modern day Romeo and Juliet. Uh, but without the death stuff.


His reputation in tatters, his name a joke the length and breadth of the wizarding world, Lucius tries to rise again through the ranks of the Ministry. What part will one Harry Potter play in his return?

Power has always excited Lucius Malfoy and Tom Riddle has it in spades.

Lucius Malfoy - Twisted Fairy Tales. A list of fairy tales can be found here. One claim for art and fiction per fairytale.

Sirius Black isn't quite the man Lucius thought he was.

Severus Snape is lost and it's up to Lucius to show him the way.

Suspicious that Lucius Malfoy is still involved with the Dark Arts, Harry Potter comes to Malfoy Manor to confront him. Canon. Post Deathly Hallows.

A misplaced hex knocks Lucius unconscious. Upon waking, he realises his life is about to change drastically.

Lucius is forced to hire an Auror for protective detail, as many disgruntled citizens make attempts on his life due to his escaping a future in Azkaban.

While at a Ministry function, Lucius inadvertently touches a portkey and is transported to somewhere completely unexpected.

The Dark Lord wants more than Lucius is prepared to give. There is only one person he can turn to in order to save himself and his family.

In a strange and slightly stupid twist of fate, Lucius discovers that he accidentally married his own long lost sister. Consumed by grief and feeling somewhat idiotic, Lucius seeks solace in the arms of another.

Lucius learns that Bellatrix Lestrange intends to kill her cousin Sirius Black at the nearest opportunity. This bothers Lucius more than he cares to admit and it comes as no surprise to him when he double crosses Bellatrix at The Ministry and saves Sirius. It comes as a surprise to everyone else, though, including Sirius. Post OotP AU.

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Lucius tutors new recruit Regulus Black in Death Eaters 101.

After a wardrobe malfunction, someone discovers Lucius' love of corsetry. They reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

Lucius Malfoy is cheating on his wife - with another man.

As a surprise for his birthday, Narcissa agrees to a threesome.

Through a conveniently open doorway, Lucius walks in on Harry Potter and Severus Snape having sex. Will he turn the other way, watch or join in?

Narcissa wants something ridiculous and unobtainable for her birthday. Desperate, Lucius seeks out the only man powerful enough to help him. But his help comes with a price.

An epistolary romance through the years.

Their relationship during school and when the marriage to Narcissa occurred. Lucius/Severus.

How they arrived at 20 years later and still together. Lucius/Harry.

Too much butterbeer and not enough self-control. (Teen Lucius at Hogwarts)

Experimenting with wands. (Teen Lucius at Hogwarts)

His wife is dead and his son won't speak to him. Lucius Malfoy has no-one. Or does he?

Draco comes home to announce that he's gay and having an affair with Harry Potter. Gobsmacked, a little drunk from too much sherry and in an attempt to put him off, Lucius later tells him of a steamy teenage romp between James Potter and himself which ended oh so very badly. But will Draco be convinced that bedding a Potter is a bad thing? Well, that depends on if Lucius himself is convinced ...

Lucius Malfoy is sentenced to six months community service. So is Severus Snape.

Men give much better blowjobs.

Single and lonely, Lucius tries speed dating.

Harry and Lucius are cast members of Riverdance - with Lucius as Michael Flatley. Sparks fly.

Lucius is in his final year at Hogwarts and still a virgin, this is something he wishes to rectify before the year is over. This must contain the line "You’ve always looked as pretty as a girl" Hardcore Slash, preferably with Severus Snape.

During his seventh year, Lucius is raped. Severus notices a change in Lucius' behavior and vows to find out why. Told from Lucius' POV.

Mixed Bag: Gen/Het/Slash

Lucius disobeys the Dark Lord's orders and does the only thing he can to save his family: he seeks asylum with The Order of The Phoenix.

Draco Malfoy signs up to become an Auror. Lucius is not pleased and he does everything in his power to dissuade his wayward son.

Lucius is summoned to Hogwarts when Draco gets lost in the Forbidden Forrest.

Malfoy Manor is under attack!

After the death of his wife, Lucius wants revenge and he doesn't care who he extracts it from.

Lucius Malfoy has been taken down a peg or two. Back working at The Ministry, he finds that he's been demoted and his new boss is none other than …

Lucius Malfoy loses everything. The Ministry have frozen all his assets. He has no money, no job and no home. Who will he turn to for help?

The Malfoys are being held prisoner by Voldemort. When the Dark Lord punishes Draco and Narcissa, Lucius realises he has to step up and do something to protect his family.

Lucius has been a bad boy and as punishment, The Ministry force him to take over the job of Potions Master. No-one ever said The Ministry had any sense.

Lucius is having a midlife crisis.

Someone has maliciously transfigured Lucius into a … (no ferrets allowed)

Lucius receives an unexpected letter.

After the war, Lucius must come to terms with Muggles as a part of the wizarding community. All is well until he bumps into…

When Draco is taken to St Mungo's with a serious illness/ailment/injury, Lucius does not visit him for three days. When he finally shows up, Harry Potter - Draco's boyfriend - accuses him of being a bad father. Slashy HD relationship. Lucius may be slashed if required but not with Harry or Draco.

The Muggles are coming!

Lucius is an Animagus, but what happens when he meets up with one or more of the Marauders in the Forbidden Forest?

Lucius is bitten by a werewolf and then tortured by Voldemort. He escapes to the Order of the Phoenix for help and Remus is the one to show him how to deal with being a werewolf.

Someone on the Light side has a hair fetish and Lucius intends to take advantage of it.

After the duel between Harry and Voldemort at the end of Harry's Fourth Year, Lucius senses he's on the losing side and jumps ship. To prove himself to the do-gooders he takes along Peter Pettigrew. Sirius is thrilled but Narcissa is NOT HAPPY. However, Draco is ecstatic; he might have a chance with the Boy Who Lived now.

Finally, after seven long years, Lucius has won a place on the Slytherin Quidditch team. But how did he achieve this?

What animal did Lucius Malfoy bring to Hogwarts in his first year? It certainly wasn't an owl.

Lucius only ever defied his father once. But it was worth it.

Someone has developed an obsession with Lucius Malfoy.

An evening with Fudge.

This is what happens when you misuse your broomstick.

Lucius hears a strange noise as Malfoy Manor. It's coming from the attic.

Lucius had a sister. His father had a sister. What happened to these missing female Malfoys and why doesn't Draco have a sister?

Malfoy Manor has a ghost

Lucius Malfoy: do not cross him. Spankings will result.

Object, Colour and Sound (Mixed Bag):

A piece of parchment, the colour green and the whoosh of a broom.

A snitch, the colour red and the sound of footsteps.

An item long forgotten, the colour gold and the sound of creaking furniture.

A potion in a bottle, the colour orange and the sound of screaming

A dusty statuette, the colour grey and the sound of a screeching owl.

A raggedy teddy bear, the colour plum and the sound of a celebration.

An ornate dagger, the colour pink and the sound of hoofs.

A stuffed parrot, the colour turquoise and the sound of a coconut hitting someone on the head (mod: If anyone can manage this one, we'll make you something shiny).

A sex toy, the colour silver and the sound of violins.

A single red rose, the colour yellow and the sound of Draco complaining.

A shallow grave, the colour purple and the sound of music (mod: sorry, folks, I had to do it).

Please comment here to add your own! Don't forget to mention the category you want your challenge to be entered into: 'gen', 'het', 'slash' or 'mixed bag'.

prompts, admin

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