Aug 08, 2004 15:56
ya well just came back from the beach and realized something i actually enjoyed the drive up to the beach better then when i got there hmmm....... pretty odd :P but ya it was great at firts it was all cloudy and crap then it got sunny for like 5 minutes oh yeah!!!!!!! ok check it out i was boggie boarding with my brother and like i stepped on sometihng and at first i freaked out i was like ewww wtf is that? but whatever i looked down and i picked it up and it was a big clam its like three fingers big not one of those wussy small ass clams and like ya i held on to it for the rest of the day by the way i named it sam! [sam the clam:)] but ya we were leaving and like i really wanted to take it with me i had bonded with the clam and it had brought me good luck cause i caught alot of good waves so.. i spilled my little cousins slirpee out and put sea water and took it home but.... then i realized i had nothing to put it in so am gonna give it to my aunt so she can put it in her fishtank so ya thats my day so far