Fic Rec: Harry Potter & the Methods of Rationality

Jan 29, 2011 00:49

Dear victims  subscribers,

I interrupt my own disappearing act to promote what is now my newest favouritest bestest Harry Potter fanfic in the Universe!


Harry Potter & the Methods of Rationalityby Less Wrong

This is like Harry Potter meets Sophie's Choice World, only much more ROFL funnier. Also, the fact that it has 10,000+++ reviews despite having 63 (and counting) chapters and the consistent need to hold in your pee and speed-read through wikipedia's epistomology portal in order to finish one paragrph indicates that there are alot of knowldge lovers in the world, and also many masochists.


"That's a bit of an anticlimax," Harry said. "You'd think there'd be some kind of more dramatic mental event associated with updating on an observation of infinitesimal probability -" Harry stopped himself. Mum, McGonagall, and even his Dad were giving him that look again. "I mean, with finding out that everything I believe is false."


That may be the Dementation talking rather than an accurate estimate, observed the logical part of himself, habits that had been encoded into sheer reflex, requiring no energy to activate. Think of the Dementors' fear as a cognitive bias, and try to overcome it the way you would overcome any other cognitive bias. Your hopeless feelings may not indicate that the situation is actually hopeless. It may only indicate that you are in the presence of Dementors. All negative emotions and pessimistic estimates must now be considered suspect, fallacious until proven valid...

harry potter, recs

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