Date: unkown
Written in Mr. Hill's Science class, first period.
Dear Luvlie,
I am currently risking being scolded and having this read to the class, but I really... just... ugh. Y'know, Mr. Hill's read notes out to the class before. (Just in case: shout-out to all my Yellow-Trackers! Can I get a woot woot? Also, hey Mr. Hill. You know, Science is one of my favorite classes. Promise.)
Originally, I took this paper out to take actual notes (you know, on the actual lesson and all that crazy stuff), but I'm doing this instead. Yeah, I'm so bad. Haha.
Hm. The ionosphere and the thermosphere overlap. Cool. (That's kind of taking notes, isn't it?)
I didn't do my homework again last night. Though, I did my Social Studies this morning.
On a completely unrelated note, being grounded sucks. Mostly because I can't talk to you.
I really, really miss you by the way.
And now, I'm going over our phone conversations of the past in my head instead of focusing on whatever the hell this slideshow is about.
The bell just rang. Time to go home.
I'll text you in the car!