Date: unkown
Written in Social Studies for an assignment, but never turned in out of laziness.
The assignment: You and your best friend from school (West Point Military Academy) are on opposing sides in the Civil War. You will be fighting for your side and they will be fighting for theirs. What would you say to them the last time you saw them before battle? Write one page.
This wasn't intended to be sent to or read by Ciara at all. Just saying.
The worst part about all this is that we will literally be fighting each other on the fucking battlefield. I might watch you die.
The next time we see each other, we won't exactly be talking. We'll be armed. With weapons meant to kill each other.
(We so did not see that coming at West Point.)
You just know we'll both be sitting in bed with a composition book, writing journals and stories.
Crap, I still haven't sent you 3 Willows or Breathe My Name. Or the CDs I made you. Ugh, I really wanted you to have those.
At the risk of sounding like a total dork,I just wanna say, dude, I love you. (Stop freaking out. I love Athena and Sheryl too. You guys are my best friends, kay?)
That reminds me of sixth grade...
Remember when we said we'd walk Sheryl home and wound up sitting there and talking until it got dark and my dad came looking for us?
Or when we were in The Forest and I decided I wanted to be "all Nancy Drew"? And so we followed the weird yells I heard, I got a stick in my hand, and you and Sheryl got mooned. (Goo times, god times.)
And when we decided Sheryl would be da_weird_girl! That was awesome. (cls4ever)
Or when we wento the fair, or when we went to Spring Fling, or how you and Sheryl would always raid my fridge first thing when you got to my house, or field day?
Or how everyone except you went to Oceans, and I missed you so much I looked visibly ill?
Or how people always think that the cutest parts in your stories are the parts we've actually done?
Or how when you went to New York for Christmas we'd secretly stay up all night just to talk to each other?
Or how you said we'd always be best friends, no matter how far apart we are or how different life makes us.
Why I didn't turn this in:
I don't have many regrets regarding our friendship, but a major one I do have is sending you that letter I wrote you when I was half-asleep and very jealous of Andy.
I regret it 'cause I when it's dark and I'm trying to go to sleep and my mind is floating and fuzzy, dancing on the edge of sleep, I'm probably groggily scolding myself like it's my fault you're only mushy with me when you can't help it, like when you're half-asleep!
Or that if it was anyone else, you'd be all lovey dovey, but you're not because I'm me, and I wouldn't be lovey dovey to me. I wouldn't call me baby or honey or even mine.
And you know what, as much as we ridicule it, I think I've subconsiously picked up dating tips from Twilight.
Which explains you not really going for my attempts.... to... You know what, let's just go with 'attempts'.
Back to the assignment:
And I can't help thinking that thought. That you might kill me, or I might kill you.
I wish we could just stop this nonsensical violence.
And, I'm sorry for always being sorry, and yes, I do love you as my best friend. You're my very best friend, and you've been so cool, even when I didn't deserve it.
I miss you so much.