Mar 12, 2006 15:01
As the saying goes,"when you got nothing,you got nothing to lose."Indeed this is true.Seems my world is crashing in on me.I figured it was only a matter of time.Things in my life seemed to be going too WELL for it to stay that way.Something is going on with my mum's side of the family.I don't know what though.Mainly cus of the fact,my ENTIRE family is ALL FUCKED UP!!!even my close family(bros..and parents)and that I just hate them(long story).It's all screwy.I have so much to do,and never enough time or energy to do it.I'm trying to hard in school,in order to get my future straight,like me going off to college in Fl(I pray.u know seeing friends there..etc...)So things are now coming down on me.Which doesn't surprize.I hardly,even if I'm lucky to see my friends.Like for example my "friends" Molly and Nicole...I've talked to them..and they tell me "oh we should hang out"hmm,well I go onto Molly's page and see new pics,and turns out she and nicole hang out without me.hmm,the next time I talk any one of them,and they say we should hang out,I'm telling them off.I'll probly say something like"stop pulling my chain,u don't want to hang out with go fuck yourself."then hang up.I know seems mean and I'll give a fuck!
But I figure why not,I got many ppl hating my guts out here.Why not add to the list!!!I look at as this,I got nothing,so I indeed HAVE NOTHING to lose!!My family is one giant pain in my ass,and is here to do nothing but fuck me and my life..or the life I want up!I pretty much have no zero friends out here.though I shouldn't be surprized,I was always the lone wolf.Though I can be the social butterfly.Anyhow,this day sucks...I think this ENTIRE week will suck.So I think I'll start it off with a BANG,I'll get fuckin piss drunkBring on the JD.Til then