In my happy home, I barely breathe.

May 17, 2005 23:12

All I needed to hear was one thing. One thing that changed me, and the way I saw other things that had been slotted into place in my life ( Read more... )

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ex_crimewave673 May 17 2005, 11:36:15 UTC

Hello ;)


morbid_curious May 17 2005, 13:38:46 UTC
Random fact: I like your SHODAN icon. Must play those games again at some point.


ex_crimewave673 May 18 2005, 04:40:21 UTC
That makes 2 people who recognise SHODAN.

I tried to replay SS2 and was TOO SCARED :(


morbid_curious May 18 2005, 05:47:37 UTC
Warren Spector crafts a good nasty story, doesn't he? :-)

It's a game that I had to think twice about wearing headphones while playing. Being immersive is generally a good thing in games, but I don't particularly relish being too immersed in The Many...


ex_crimewave673 May 18 2005, 11:25:34 UTC
I don't play the game without headphones. SS2 and Undying make it a requirement.


morbid_curious May 18 2005, 11:28:44 UTC
I went with the headphones in the end, too. Still have to track down a copy of Undying, one of these days.


lucilu May 18 2005, 08:46:54 UTC
Hugs. How're things? I should catch up with you sometime.


ex_crimewave673 May 18 2005, 11:24:53 UTC
*hugs you*

Things are GREAT, apart from impending doom of having to find people to move in to my flat. you know you waaant to :)


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