Colon Cancer

Mar 05, 2010 09:59

On the night before her departure:
Mom: Come here and pluck my underarm hair.
Me: Why? Will they inspect it?
Mom: (laughs) It's itchy.

I plucked her.
First time in many months, since Jouie has become the official plucker (I was promoted to colorist).
It was our goodbye.
Me: I will soon have to color your hair here, too.

~ * ~

Day One of Mommy-less Household:
I imitated Mom's habit of laying out all the kids' things, from underwear to hair barettes.
I did perfectly with Jouie.
But the pants I laid out for Josh looked like capris on him. LOL. Note to self: remove outgrown clothes from closets.

~ * ~

Farmville frolics:

Billy the Bull: Don't you point that sickle at me.


Me: Dad, in real life, can bulls and cows be placed in the same pen? The bulls will charge each other or rape the cows, right?
Dad: (gives me THE look and then ignores me)


Centipedes are NOT rare at all for me. I find them in the bathroom.

~ * ~

The person you are missing right this moment:Mommy.

mommy, farmville

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