Dec 10, 2006 21:03
Time had withered away the renments of spirt left in my soul. My eyes, blurried by the constant, evil flashes of the hideous orbs burning upon me from above, were forever fixated on clock hands that never seemed to move, as if they were arms of Sisyphus, weak from his heavy burden. I too, was weak.
After constant anticipation and yearning to be free, my duty had been completed. It was when a young maverick, who seemed to share a similar yearning, took his place before me. Soon it would all be over. Just one more moment of quick and painless haste and I will be free. He was free too, after I shot him.
The time had come. I had to make my escape. I rushed out the doors, carrying all that I could. Everything had to go back to headquarters, and then from there I had to make my long journey into the cold dark night. Time once again was evoking a worrisome manner throughout me, and at this point so had fatigue, but there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do now was hurry, and not look back. I had to be steadfast and bold, even though I was alone, and uncertain.
The journey was long and frightening, like being shot out into an endless dark void and every glimmer of hope disapeared over the horizon before being given a chance to get close. I still made my way at a steady pace, and stopping for nothing. Finally, my journey came to an end and hope returned to me once more. The bright lights of my destination had welcomed me and pulled me out from the cold darkness. I could finally hear the music.
And that, dear children, was how I spent yesterday. I spent all day at my photography job shooting basketball players and then I drove to Louisville to see a show.