Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||| 33% Stability |||||||||||||| 56% Orderliness |||||||||| 36% Altruism |||||||||||||| 56% Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63% Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Mystical |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Artistic |||||||||||||||||| 76% Religious || 10% Hedonism |||||||||||| 50% Materialism |||||||||||||| 56% Narcissism |||||| 30% Adventurousness |||||||||| 36% Work ethic |||||| 30% Self absorbed |||||||||||||||| 63% Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63% Need to dominate |||||| 23% Romantic |||||||||||| 50% Avoidant |||||| 30% Anti-authority |||||||||||||||||| 76% Wealth |||||||||||| 43% Dependency |||||||||| 36% Change averse |||||| 23% Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70% Individuality |||||||||||||||| 63% Sexuality |||||||||||||| 56% Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 43% Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83% Physical Fitness |||||||||| 37% Histrionic |||||||||||| 43% Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56% Vanity |||||| 30% Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||| 56% Female cliche |||||||||||| 50%
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personality tests by trait snapshot: introverted, secretive, messy, depressed, does not like leadership, somewhat nihilistic, observer, does not make friends easily, unassertive, feels invisible, feels undesirable, hates large parties, does not like to stand out, leisurely, suspicious, submissive, abstract, unpredictable, intellectual, likes rain, likes the unknown, negative, weird, not a risk taker, unadventurous, avoidant, strange o...k theres a few there that describe me in that lol now what have i been up to since last update well recently i bought a limited edition shi statue which i shall add later along with 2 signed posters by christos achillieos