Apr 06, 2004 22:03
Now the way i see it in 6 years the communists will be upon us in full vigor....i know what ur saying "What Russ What The Hell Can I Do To Protect Myself From The Red Threat?" well the answer is easy......i have created this new device i call the ISBM.....it doesnt really stand for anything but it does sound cool if u plan on saying something like...."YO COMMIES SHUT UP BEFORE I USE MY ISBM ON YO RED ARSE!!!!!!!!"...awesome....now the genious of this thing is that it spins really fast...now ur asking yourself "RUSS WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ALL IT DOES???" the answer:NO YOU IDIOT OF COURSE NOT....of course it spins fast but it ALSO lights up in 3 different colors Green, Blue and of course everyones favorite....MAUVE.now thats not all you capitalist beasts you....the ISBM is so genius in its spinning that it EXPLODES.....now it takes approx. 5 minutes and 42.4535 seconds...ive done hte math...and now u think im lying...well maybe ill show you....later of course im not done explaining the ISBM....now the ISBM spins fast anmd flashes alot and explodes....with this explosion there leaves not alot left.....just a bunch of burnt communist bastards....oh wait did i mention that it targeted Communists to kill....ok so any ways it leave a whole crap load of communists dead and a barren waste land with us FUN loving capitalist people that are left....i know what youre thinking...if the land is barren how will we eat......well ive figured it all out...with my genius brain i devised a plan that sticks oil into the ISBM so when it explodes it leaves flash frying through out the entire population of the chickens and the cows....now this is great cause now we have a crap load of fried chicken and cows...for those of u thats a vegetarians im sorry....but would u rather have communism...or eat meat....god help u if u say communism.....ok so anyways it fries everything leavign us with a couple of months supply of food....i know what ur asking now....HOW CAN WE LIVE PAST THEN RUSS???? well the obvious answer is that 1.) WE DONT or 2(and usually more accepted)as part of my genius plan i make chickens Capitalists that way they ISBM doesnt blow them up (because we know they were commies in animal farm)we can make cows capitalist....and then hot damn people you are all set...so now weve got no commies (except some commie friends i might choose to save).....and we got shit loads of fried chicken and cow...whats better then that NOT COMMUNISM....ok so within 6 years i would have perfected the ISBM....now what ur all asking now is....COMMUNISTS COULD BE COMING NOW!!!!! WHAT CAN I DO TO PROTECT MYSELF.....!!!! well my friend the answer is simple....always go packing...and around everyone you meet tell them you hate stalin....if they punch you then theyre communist...make sure they dont have a best friend that is named Stalin though cause then ur screwed...tell them Karl Marx sucks the big one as a back up plan....ok on that note i must shower i will see u all later
Russell H