my date last night

Dec 29, 2005 09:26

I had the most wonderful date with myself last night. Right when I got home I went to yoga. It was a serious ass kicking awesome class. we did some advanced poses and I was very challenged.afterwards I called Dan and i had totally forgotten he had band practice. So, i was alone for dinner. I decided on sushi. I went to the place by us and it was closed!! gah! So...I called Bob San and ordered carry-out and drove up to get it. Well worth the trip. It was fucking awesome. then i enjoyed a smoke on the porch..and yes, enjoyed..not smoked out of boredom...purely for enjoyment. i feel that is the only OK reason to indulge in a smoke. I was in bed by 10:15 and I watched tv.

I have no work tomorrowand I am still without the i feel like I should do something fun...but not crazy.

I also want to try this new salon on lincoln that specializes in retro hair styles. I am going to call to see how much it is and maybe get my hair done for new years...unless they're booked.
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