Mar 20, 2004 00:14
I've been working at Petsmart for about 2 weeks or so. So much better than my old job. I've had two dogs of my own so far, an Australian Cattle Dog and and a Italian Greyhound. Next work is sunday, I think 9-5.
No more German! I'm debating taking a class in spring. Theres two computer classes that might be useful and theres a career decision making class that could help too. But the times for them absolutely suck. So I'm not sure about them yet. And I'm not sure I want to be in school any longer than May. I got a 90% on my lab exam and an 84% on the Exam 2. My current grade in Bio is now a 82%.
Creative writing is okay I think and so is Anthropology. Just need to get cracking on the portfolio and the 16-20 page research paper :-D
Relationship things I pretty much keep to myself. Though I will say that things are good :)
I went to the counselor the other day too. So I'm in the process of figuring out majors and such.
Thats about it, for this journal anyway.