Feb 14, 2004 00:05
I went to the Longhorn Rodeo at the Palace of Auburn Hills tonight. Mel's dad had a suite, it was really cool. I've never gotten good seats or anything for most events like that. I got to have dippin' dots too, those are friggin good. They really should start selling them at stores and stuff.
Peaches btw, was one of the toughest bulls they had. The guy who rode him had a chance to win a bonus 1500$. Unfortunately, Peaches almost threw in back into the shoot. Then of course there was the bull named Rock My World, and his number was 69 no less. It was a great night for gutter minds.
They did saddle and bareback bronc. I was so rooting for the horses. I woulda sent people flying if I'd been one of them. There were actually quite a few Michigan contestants who did rather well. I dont recall exact details though.
In calf wrestling (I think)there was a contestant from Fostoria! I though of you Sarah. Unfortuntely he didnt do very well :( Calf roping was hilarious. All but like 3 people completely missed the calf for some reason or another. In the wrestling one guy couldnt get the calf down. Tough little creature. In the roping, one guy got kicked in the chin by the calf, another (or was it the same guy?) 's horse stopped so hard the calf flipped on its back before the guy got to him.
The bulls were amusing. They played music for each ride. Batman theme of some sort for one. Songs that people knew. Some of their names were pretty funny: Good Vibrations, Slim Jim, Peaches....some riders almost got stomped one and I think one ended up w/ a bloody nose.
They attempted to show off the rodeo clowns by sending out a loose bull for them to tease. He ended up just standing there like "what am i supposed to do??" The clown also almost got run over by one of the broncs, saddle i think. The horse went straight for him. The trick riders reminded me of colorguard on horseback...purple or red spandex and rodeo is a strange combination...The clown and the announcer were making wise-cracks at each other the entire time as well.
Some of the Michigan bronc riders did real well. One guy came out standing w/ one foot on each of a pair of brown and white paint horses. (obviously not a bronc rider...) He rode over a burning torch, with each horse going on one side of it. Man, I'd be wearing protective gear down there if I was going to put myself that close to a fire. Then he jumped with them, still standing up w/ a foot on each horses back. Now that takes balance.It was really nifty.
Well, thats all I recall in clear detail...heh...suffice to say, it was quite entertaining...