Preparing Twilight

Dec 10, 2007 19:19

Title: Preparing Twilight
Author: Lucifer Hisaki (mercy_slays/luciferhisaki)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Pairing: Seifer Almasy/Irvine Kinneas/Squall Leonhart
Summary: Irvine stroked the side of Squall’s face...
Disclaimer: You do not have a legal suit for the whole FF8 thing. So don't even try.
Word Count: 410
For: springkink's July 16th: #23. Final Fantasy VIII, Seifer/Squall/Irvine: Going soft - 'I'd come all over your party'

Preparing Twilight

Irvine stroked the side of Squall’s face, trying to help comfort his lover even when he knew it wouldn’t. There wasn’t much that could help Squall now. They say it’s stress but Irvine knows it’s so much more. No doubt about it. It’s hard enough to try and live up to all the expectations of being a headmaster of Balamb Garden and acting SeeD commander, never mind the added ridicule of being in a threesome with a “ladies man” sniper and former Sorceress Knight. He sighed softly and didn’t look up when Seifer walked in the door.

“Sorry for not coming any sooner,” the blond SeeD mumbled, taking a seat on the other side of their lover’s hospital bed. Squall’s brow furrowed slightly before relaxing as much he could while being in pain (no matter how much morphine and pain killers the hospital put him on).

The auburn haired sniper shrugged, “Like that matter? There’s no change from before. He’s not getting better.” He left out the part where Squall was getting worse. “Besides, ain’t your fault. You had to do security checks for Ice Princess’s Pop. Hell, if I could I rather I’d come all over that party than this one.” He sighed softly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. He was fidgeting and Seifer knew it. It was always a bad sign if he fidgeted.

“It was a bore,” Seifer retorted softly, reaching out to brush some hair out of their superior’s eyes, “Nothing much about it. Besides, not like Seagill isn’t good with security checks. My best bet is that they didn’t want both of us here making a trench in the hall.” He smirked slightly but it was cold. His fingers caressed Squall’s hair, not exactly moving away just yet. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to look away from Squall’s sleeping face to Irvine’s cool façade.

“How much time does he have?”

Irvine swallowed and looked away, knowing now is not the time to be soft. He killed many at the other end of his Exeter and other numerous sniper rifles. He even fought close combat with many fiends and monster. He was a vetern on the battlefield but he can’t help the feeling that his throat constricts because of something he’s not ready for. He’s way over his head and he knew it. Just how does one prepare for the death of a loved one?

“…They say he has three days.”


rating: pg, community: springkink, character: seifer almasy, post: fan fiction, character: irvine kinneas, character: squall leonhart, fandom: final fantasy

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