Title: Sex is so Mada Mada Dane
Author: Lucifer Hisaki (
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Various implied
Summary: They think I don’t see it.
Disclaimer: You do not have a legal suit. So don't even try.
Notes: It's my first PoT fic in a long while and might be a little OoC, if not a lot. ^^;;
Word Count: 979
MISSION no.3 contest Sex is so Mada Mada Dane
They think I don’t see it. That they’re hiding it perfectly from me. I understand why they do this but no one is perfect. All I care about is the tennis and times like these I just can’t help but watch them. The lengthy touches on backs, hands grasping shoulders longer than need be, the brushing of lips against ears in a charade of whispering. I’m young but so are they. I’m not that innocent. Tennis is all that matters to me but I can’t help it sometimes.
I just have to keep watching them out of the corner of my eye.
All of them have been together for longer than I had first come here but that’s ok. As long as the Tennis isn’t affected then I’m not either. Though sometimes, I wish that they would stop flirting with each other and just focus on the back swings, strikes, drop shots, volleys and all that really good stuff. They’re so mada mada dane, don’t you think? And to believe that they’re supposed to be the best in my damn Oyaji’s head. Che. I think he just wanted me to come here so I can study gay sex. The idiot. Like I really need to learn that?
It wasn’t hard to spy who had what with which person. It was in fact, very easy. Buchou might have been the hardest but then again, I wouldn’t know. He doesn’t really have much in the whole emotional field. Neither does Fuji-sempai, at least not in the whole real anything but a devious, sly smile. That really gives me the creeps. Inui-sempai is always after Kaidou-sempai and Momo-sempai wants in Kaidou-sempai’s pants. I’m guessing they have some sort of group going on there? I really don’t want to think of it too much, mostly because well Inui-sempai might make me drink some Juice. Blegh. Even thinking of it makes me want to vomit, hurl or better yet, just die but I can’t die yet! I need to beat my Oyaji! Damn Oyaji, why the hell did you make me go to Seigaku anyway? They’re not even that good! So mada mada dane, Oyaji-baka!
Oishi-sempai and Kikumaru-sempai are so obvious. Well, Kikumaru-sempai is really. Oishi-sempai just turns a really odd shade of red every time Kikumaru-sempai bends over and shakes his butt way too much than what’s needed in tennis. Somehow, I don’t doubt the idea they would be having sex if I didn’t “accidentally” catch them doing in the showers. It was an accident! I didn’t think the moans or groans were anything important and I was sweat and well, I wanted to take a shower before going to the burger place with Momo-sempai. I think I just ran away when I saw a hint of a cat-like tail attached to what seemed to be a really long plastic device. I really don’t think I want to know what that was. I did see a glance of matching cat ears on Kikumaru-sempai’s head.
Kawamura-sempai is probably the hardest one besides Buchou on finding out if he has a partner in bed or not. I sometimes managed to pin him with Fuji-sempai but somehow I think Fuji-sempai is knocking woods, whatever that means, with Buchou. There’s that other time I thought of Kawamura-sempai with that really weird guy from Yamabuki. The one that’s always bullying people around and injured me. That was a lucky shot anyway. I would’ve dodged it if I knew he was going to do that. Yeah, I’m that good so there.
Don’t even get me started on all the times we have different players just “stopping” by on our tennis courts. If they’re not going to play then I guess it’s pretty obvious that they’re going to have sex with someone. I think I heard that pigtail girl said people like that are sluts or something. Reading that from the dictionary? It fits our team perfectly. At least I’m not having sex with anyone though I do get the awful feeling that there are a few people here that would want to have sex with me. Great. Just great. All I want is to play tennis and why can’t I just play tennis all the time?
Rather than try to be careful every time I got into the locker room? I swear, almost every time I look two people will suddenly look innocent when I know I heard kissing sounds behind me. Argh. Tennis is more important in the world, Sempai-tachi!
Well Buchou agrees with me. I think. He stares at me too much so I can’t be sure. I know he wants me to be the Pillar of Support for Seigaku but how in the world will I do that if everyone here are Sluts? It just makes me want to do a Twist Serve into each and every single one of their faces. I would be so much happy if I could do that but I don’t want to drink Juice or run laps. No doubt Buchou would make me run laps until I’m dead tired.
I think I hear people coming toward the locker room now. Damn, I guess it was lucky that I finally came here when it was empty. Oh well, hopefully I can get out of here, play tennis and get back home without hearing sex noises or people making out behind my back. Maybe I’ll beat Oyaji in our match today. Or better yet, make the tennis ball go right through his pervert magazines. That would be so worth it and the only reason I’ll let him beat me if I get to do that.
Well, that’s it Journal. I’m going to beat some Sempai’s ass today and I mean that in the Tennis sort of way because Tennis is more important than sex. The reverse seems to be the Seigaku slogan though. How irritating. Che.
Sex is so mada mada dane.
Sempai - Older Classman/Student
Buchou - Captain
Oyaji - (Bastard) Father
Mada Mada Dane - literally means "No, not yet," but varies in similarity, with meanings that include "You still have a ways to go," "Not good enough" or "Still no good," and "It's not over yet." I use it in the "Not Good enough" context.
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