Newer Electronics + Jobs

Dec 11, 2005 19:52

This is the phone I got about a month ago --->
Yip, I have speakerphone now and I can use my phone to listen to the radio! Horray for new electronics to play with and stuff ^_^ I was having trouble sending text messages on the new phone, but was finally able to resolve that issue a few days ago.

The mindless job hunting continues. I applied for 9 jobs on michiganworks today as well as e-mailing my resume to 12 different places that I found in the sunday paper job section today. (for some reason this site address made me laugh)
Aren't ho ho's some sort of junkfood similair to a twinkie only they come in chocalate?

There was a job title listed as "security guard/riot control"
I suppost you never know when a riot may break out...
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