
Jun 28, 2005 20:56

It seems that I will be welcoming quite a few others today. Both Muggles. Both scum that will soon be relegated to certain positions. Wonder if this Carolyn Muggle will choose to become one of us. Wonder if she'll cling to her pathetic roots with all the self-righteous indignation that a Muggle can have ( Read more... )

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lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 19:41:56 UTC
She's aware of the inconvenience and is honoured. That's a damned improvement over the Muggles that try to rebel against us on a regular basis.

"Carolyn it is then. Feel free to call me Lucius. Mr. Lucard is currently resting in a guestroom. One has been made up for you as well. As for Klaus, he left on an unexpected trip to go and retrieve another of your party. I don't think Lucard knew about this other member. In any case, he'll have his own guestroom as well."

I turn to her and gesture to the Manor. "This place is steeped in dark magic. It obeys only the lord of the Manor. It is alive so please treat it as you would another being."

It's quite difficult to talk to a Muggle since I'm not sure precisely what she knows and doesn't know.

"House Elves are the wizarding equivalent to servants. They clean the Manor and will make your food. To call for one, there is a bellpull beside your bed. You need only pull it."

I beckon her to follow me as I lead her up the stairs. "At night, you will hear quite a few strange sounds. Hissing, sometimes voices, sometimes moans. There are ghosts in this Manor and so long as you don't bother them nor try to touch them, they will leave you be."


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 19:57:27 UTC
I smile as he explains the Amazing Living House. You know, in spite of my annoyances at this whole stupid adventure... that is really, REALLY fucking cool.

"I thank you. Of course I'll treat your manor with the same respect I treat her owner." Her? Yeah, her. Dunno how I think it's a her. Just is.

"Klaus is gone? Hm." Guess the pounding will have to wait. "Do you have any idea when he's going to be back, Lucius?" On second thought, I like that name. It's easy to make it sound all... heh heh...lucious. Ah, English, how I scorn thee...

"Oh, strange sounds won't bother me. Not after living with the likes of those two," I quip before I can help myself.

Hm. Hope Mr. Pretty here has a sense of humor.


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 20:42:02 UTC
I can just imagine. Heh...will not think about that one time.

"Good to hear. You'll be close to them. I figured you would all wish to be nearby. Sort of a safety in numbers. Of course, if you do get tired of hearing the bedframe smash against the wall, feel free to let me know."

Keep her comfortable the Dark Lord says. So be it.

"Don't try to look around the Manor. The rooms that aren't locked off, feel free to explore, but don't try to get past any locked doors. Especially at night. As for Klaus, I haven't a clue. He said he wouldn't be gone for that long but I think he's taking Muggle transport back so it will take him a bit longer than his own version of apparating."


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 21:07:55 UTC
"I won't look around, I promise you THAT. I like my head where it is. Between my shoulders." What does he think I'm going to do, wander around like a senile old biddy?

"Really, Lucius... I'm easy to entertain. I don't chew the furniture, I won't pee on anything, and I like to leave whatever I use neater than when I picked it up in the first place. I'll stay quiet, out of your way, and offer you any services you might possible in a million years ask for - not that you'd ever need anything from ME. The offer's open, anyway, because for their sake and mine I owe you. Heh. I made a speech." I grin a little. Definitely been a stressful week, my silly side is coming out.


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 21:36:22 UTC
She owes me.

Definitely not like the Muggles I've had to deal with in the past. She doesn't say a word as to the robes. She doesn't treat me like a menace to society and she isn't patronizingly telling me that I'll be the devil's lapdog because I can light a fire ten feet away.

Very different. She's wizarding material, from my own viewpoint. I hadn't believed Arthur when he told me there were exceptions for Muggles. Some are more intelligent and open-minded than others, he had said.

But trusting the wrong ones would prove hazardous.

"That's good to hear, actually. This is the first time a Muggle has ever entered my domain and the proceeding is a bit uncertain. Another will be arriving with Klaus soon enough."

I open up the door to her guestroom. "Here is where you'll be staying. I hope it's up to par." The guest bedroom was as large as Lucard's and just as elaborate. I try not to deny my guests anything.


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 21:43:28 UTC
"...wow." Holy hell this is sweeeeeet. "Up to par? Are you kidding? This is GORGEOUS." I grin and step into the room, looking around. "You can tell your Manor she's so beautiful I'll be dreaming about her and making any other place I stay in jealous."

Ooooh, a four-poster bed! I LOVE these things. I think every girl feels like a princess in a four-poster. I run my hand down one of the poles.

"You have GOT to tell me who decorated. It's so nouveau-Medieval classy."


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 21:52:15 UTC
"This place was originally built by my ancestor Dantius Malfoy. He was killed, however, in the Dark Ages by a mob." Of Muggles. "He left this place to be used only by the Malfoys who left France to journey up north. Since then, the Manor has been renovated and expanded upon according to the new master's needs. After awhile, the Manor set to building itself, expanding inwards and below."

To go through all the dark magic needed to keep the place running would be not only time-consuming but she wouldn't understand half of it. The other half was illegal.

"It will sometimes play tricks on people, readjusting a room's size or put down a wall that wasn't there before. If you think it's doing that to you, simply touch the wall and tell it you've had enough. Then think of the room you were looking for and open the nearest door. It will take you right to the place."

I don't know why she's calling the Manor a she. The Manor has never really had a gender before, it is simply a composite being of magic and substance. Ah, but Muggles have a need to ascribe a name or gender to just about everything.

"Walden will be coming over tonight at some point. You'll get a chance to meet him."


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 22:03:24 UTC
I grin. "Clever. Magnificently so. You must have a very proud family tree."

Tricks. Oooi, that's all I needed. "I'll remember that. As long as I don't wake up buried alive or something, all is well." Probably giving the blasted place ideas.

"Is Lucard resting now?" I ask, because he and I should probably talk a little. We haven't really had the chance to, what with all the almost-dying and shit.

Walden? Hokiedokey. "Who is Walden?"

I look him over, considering. Watch him move, look at his body language. He's still a little stiff with me; I doubt that's ever going to be fixed, but I can TRY.

For Klaus' sake. Yeah, right. I'm sick of being the pariah around here.

"Mind if I ask you a personal question?" I say. "I don't usually do this, but in your case, I have to make an exception: what do you use on your hair? I don't think I've ever seen a scalp so perfect, and I've traveled all over the world. Heh - don't tell Lucard I told you that, or he'll get jealous."


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 22:12:44 UTC
Oh, she has no idea. My own family tree is vast and...elsewhere.

I didn't think she'd give a rat's patootie one way or the other when it came to my own history. To bring it up is...surprising. Pleasantly so.

"He's resting, yes. Sleeping off the effects of our own brand of scotch. He should be up and about by nightfall. As for Walden, he's another of our Lord's followers. His executioner to be more specific. He's also one of the few people that I can consider a friend." Anything more would be telling, wouldn't it?

A personal question?

Will she ask about the Dark Lord? Please don't ask about what we do to your kind or what I tend to do to your kind. And please don't ask about why there's a disco ball currently replacing the chandelier and do ignore the shrunken heads.



THAT takes me by surprise! "Shampoo twice and then use conditioner. Pantene for both. The trick to it is massaging the scalp. Heat helps it grow and massaging the hair follicles will also aid in growth. Known way to prevent balding." Not that I have to worry about that.

"The same brand is in your bathroom." I point to the adjoining door. "We keep everything here stocked up since this Manor is used to receiving guests."


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 22:24:14 UTC
Grin. "Heh heh. The good count Dracula never could hold his wine as well as he thought he could." Which I know, QUITE personally. "I dare you to ask him about Le Miserables sometime." Because he sang AND danced his way through the whole musical for me - tears and emotions included - when I was Amber, and he was drunk off his rocker and feeling dramatic.

Was DAMNED funny. Shame vamps can't be recorded.

Speaking of funny - what a face he made right there. I think he thought I was going to ask him something else. Cute.

"Pantene? Are you serious?" I laugh softly. "I will definitely try it. Not that balding is likely to ever be an issue for me." Ahem. Guuuurl.


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 22:38:46 UTC
I chalk up that in a mental note. Anything to get a rise out of Mr. Lucard.

"Pantene made by witches, yes. Muggles have the same name but their haircare is made of more chemically induced materials. Ours has more organic materials and magically induced chemicals."

I move out of the guest room. "Come with me. I'll take you on a tour."

What should have been a simple tour turned into a long scenic viewing of the grand stairwell, the living room, dining room, sitting room, drawing room, game room, the first library, the exercise room complete with adjoining pool and jacuzzi, and I end the tour in the backyard where the gardens were maintained and the thestral stables were kept to the left.

"Past that bridge lies the family cemetary. No real reason for you to go out there unless you like looking at tombstones. The mausoleums have curses on them, however, so I wouldn't suggest trying to open them. It's instant death."


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 22:42:31 UTC
Figures it'd be "magical" Pantene. Although why the hell the name is the same....

So then, we go on a tour. He's relaxing; which in turn lets ME relax. And you know what else? He's FUNNY.

Gods, a man with a sense of humor. Like, who isn't crazy and has a sense of humor. Hopefully my little verbal plays back are taken in the right light.

This place is absolutely terrific. Curses and all; I'd actually stay homebound if I had a place THIS cool.'

Jacuzzi. Mmmm. Possibilities there. Yum.

"Well, you know something, Lucius - I'd like to see the cemetary sometime. I want to hear more about your family, the people who are buried there." I grin. "If they're anywhere near as fascinating as you are, then I really AM in for a treat."


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 23:01:57 UTC
She'd like to...

Did someone give her coaching on what to say to me? Did Severus tell her something? Warn her? 'Oh, by the way, Muggle, you may want to know that you'll be sleeping under the same roof of one who loves to torture your kind though he'll probably be quite nice to you if you bring up the dead guys buried in the back.'

...Sounds like something he'd say.

"They're all fascinating in their own ways. Malfoys don't live long lifespans compared to other wizards. The madness gets them in the end or self-destruction. Therefore, they always felt the need to do what they can quickly before they pass away."

Or before the mobs get them. "I'll take you out there and introduce you to them later. We'd best head back inside. Walden will be in soon and I'm sure Klaus will be as well. Another welcoming ceremony will begin."

Hell is definitely repetition.

But I'm glad that she's getting 'it'. She's accepting of quite a lot whereas any other Muggle would be paling at the very thought of a living house. Too many horror stories, I suppose.


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 23:08:11 UTC
"Really." I look him in the eye. This is a dangerous kind of flirting, if it can even be called that. It isn't meant to romance or smooth; it's the kind of thing one adult who's comfortable with her or himself does to another adult who feels the same. There's a kind of respect in it, and a peace.

"Then clearly, you standing here without madness and with all your accomplishments speaks volumes to your own strength and discipline."

"I can't wait for the grand tour of the Malfoy cemetary." I grin. "It's going to be marvelous."

I chuckle a little. "If Walden is anywhere near as interesting as you are, maybe I'll convert." It's a joke; sort of.

But come on. I DO have to wonder just what exactly one goes through to become a wizard. A little pain for a lot of power?

Mmmmm. IF the only price is pain... hell yeah, I'd do it. I'd be crazy not to. MY question is, what else does it cost?

Wonder if Lucius knows. Maybe I'll ask him.


lucifer_tiamat June 28 2005, 23:24:55 UTC
I am not blushing. No Muggle will EVEr make me blush.


"We're all a little mad around these parts. My advice is not to take everything we say personally. We tend to take ourselves a bit too seriously." And we're supposed to have won a war. We should be celebrating quite a lot.

"Walden has his charms. He's a big, scary guy to the enemies but once you get to know him, you'll find that he's...a big, scary guy who likes weapons and has no table manners."

I lead her back inside, shutting the double doors when we're both in. I have no need to lock them up as the Manor will not allow anyone to leave until I give it the okay.

"Have you any plans to convert? Severus told me you and the others were in the facility. Not the most pleasant of places to be if you're unsure as to what's going on." At least she didn't run into the mutants.


not_your_victim June 28 2005, 23:35:59 UTC
Heh heh heh. Folks that pale ALWAYS show the blushing. It looks good on him.

You know what? I don't often say this, but here's a fellow who'd look good with makeup on. Like... a lot of it. He could actually pull it off.

"Isn't everybody just a LITTLE mad?" I grin at him.

Then I laugh at his description of Walden. "Sounds like my type of warrior," I add - because he does. Real, straightforward, no bullshit. I mean, sure, the excess testosterone can be a problem, but I SO rather that over the smarmy, fake kind.

I eye him sidelong as we walk.

"Well... that's a good question. What's involved in it? How much of a risk is there that it won't work and I'll just end up with six heads or something? If he's perfected it... gods. How stupid would I have to be NOT to want it?" Really. He gets a dry look to go with that. "IF it really worked... hell. I'd be out of my skull not to take it."


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