Yui + no life + no one to talk to = see below

Feb 05, 2010 22:10

 What I do on my free time, when no one is talking to me. hahaha. soo i was bored to day...nothing to do beside HW but hey, im procrastinating. soo i decide hm i should take pictures of different looks, and so i did. prep my face....make up and everything....i don't think i change much of my make up style..but i warn you it some what uneven...T^T cant help it i was missing stuff..so i use my hand instead. anyway i want to see how i look with different hairs styles. someone once told me because the shape of my face i can fit with any hair style...so i guess i will put that to a test. and guess what....some of the hairstyle is wacky..wacky enough that i wont take picture cus i look ridiculous. but i did took one photo of some wacky hair styles ...lol

soo on with my photoSSS - im serious alot of photoSSSSSS

I haven't worn this wig since forever........so i brought it back...my god the brightness....


yes i give me a beauty mark.

I got this wig from Alex, omg such a sort wig. the bang was sticking out like and eyesore so i grab the first thing i can find, and tied a badana there.


Im sure by now you are very familiar with these looks, but it still awesome to wear these wig again 


 O_o something is off....ohh right my hands...i think i over do the same hands pose....>.< sorry

My lighting wig is awesome...but it think i need to style it with wax next time...so it will stay


 ^0^ omg my hair is on the wrong side agian!!! dammit~!

I totally falling in love with this look, you can tell since all of the photo below are edit differently and i have a lot of photos of this hair style but these are the best of them, i think i'm dead sexy in these..O///O remind me of Kevin from U-Kiss ^O^ love his hair~! i think he confirm my obsession for blonde hair now....>_____< sexy! GO KEVIN~!!!


 damn now i want a U-kiss inspired/look alike shoot. >_<

look familiar? i think i look like the lead character from Your beautiful. anyway..i accident wore this wig crooked.....and i got this result after some brushing. 


wahhh~! Loli time~! and this is a two part wig, i use the wig from above, in the right position and my two sherly temple curl wig. lol 

 um....if i freak you out i'm sorry.....

omg here are the wacky wigs..or at least i think it wacky on me 

 yea what sup with these hair. lol

YAY!!! your'e finally at the end!! hahaha. oki so that no all my wigs that im took photos off..i got kinda tired after 5 hrs doing this...im not kiddin it 5 hrs..total to shoot all of these photo and changing wig. make up didn't take me long. i'm pretty fast at prepping my face.
so congrat for making it this far~! i notice that your make up look best when it sit on your face for like 1hr or more.. idk that just my observation.

im sorry you all have to see my ugly face soo many time over, and my uneven make up. >____< stuff i use for my face:
first i but on botox..........pff....(im lame i know you dont have to tell me)
i use...Mac liquid and compact powder
water proof liquid eyeliner
masquara  (? spell)
lip stick...a very light pale pink, i don't like my actual lips color...
and natural color blush that you don't even see the diff.
okie i think im done talking for now..feel like the more i talk to be lame i become....hahaha

just me and wigs

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