kindra of the sea

Aug 16, 2006 20:00

moira and i went to singing beach the other day. it was such a beautiful day. a perfect day to go to the beach. of course i have pictures. i worked at the flower store today. it went by quickly as usual. i like working there so much better than at american apparel. i hope everyone that works at that store dies, okay well only a few. mainly just the manager. i find it so hard to believe that at one job my boss loves me to death and doesn't think she could possibly find someone to replace me, and my other job my manager treats me like the lowest of the low, like i do absolutely nothing all day. i dont understand how he thinks that im so lazy. it only makes me want to do less when im there too. i kinda tried to prove him wrong, but of course it did not work. i have now given up on it and do not care any longer. i know im good at what i do and thats all that matters i suppose. i work hard, and i def do not milk the clock. please. nine dollars an hour? not even worth milking. don't flatter yourself by thinking that im worried about you of all people. its just frustrating and annoying to spend my days in a loathesome working environment. lisa asks me every single day if im still moving to portland, tells me that she was going to give me my own shop, and that if i came back she would for sure have a job for me. jeremy, he writes princess next to my name on the schedule, says im too demanding, and accuses me of "milking the clock." un-fucking-believable.
only two weeks left, then a week on the vineyard, then maybe a day back in boston/providence, and off to portland i go.
there are a few things about boston i will miss, but menial employment is not one of them. at least i know if things dont work out in portland i can come back to boston and have my own flower store. thats kinda comforting.
so umm.. pictures, cuz i've sorta turned japanese since i've gotten my new camera.
the yeah yeah yeah's and such. i love karen o. i want to be her, but not actually her, just what she is, what she does, what she wants, and she's amazing yeah.

the crowd was nothing short of festival size. i could not believe it. we pre-gamed with mojitos at katies before we went down.
everyboday make a drunk face!

now, for the beach. first, my friend. i think its a half-decomposed sting-ray. i dunno, but it was awesome. he was next to us the whole day. just chillin'.


i don't know why i like to take pictures of kids. i think their cute. maybe i just miss my little brother. they just do the craziest things. cute things. like small furry animals, but more intelligent. is that a weird way to think about it?

just a beautiful day, too bad for mosquito's. i kinda hate them.
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