something interesting

May 26, 2008 15:16

today I was reading this info:

I had experience this several times:


Also known as waking-sleep, hypnogogia is a documented physiological condition in which a person is part-way between sleeping and waking.[8] During hypnogogia, a person can be conscious and aware of their environment, but also in a dream-like state where they can perceive images from their subconscious. People experiencing waking-sleep commonly report the sensation of lights or shadows moving around them, as well as other visual hallucinations. A feeling of dread is also a sensation that occurs when experiencing hypnogogia. Hypnogogia is sometimes known as 'the faces in the dark phenomenon' because those who experience this state commonly report seeing faces while experiencing waking-sleep.[9] Similar hypothesis have been put forward linking this condition to a number of other apparent paranormal experiences, including alien abductions and paranormal nocturnal visitations.

whenever I experience Hypnogogia, is the most horrific feeling. Cause, is like so many things can happen to me, I am are aware of it and I can't do anything about it. Just like those people that are been prepared to be executed. The only difference is, that when you are on a Hypnogogia stage, you dont feel pain compared to a person that will or is been immobilized to be executed or other things. Well, on my case, I haven't experience any pain and I hope to never experience it while on that stage. But, the feeling of dread you get and how you heart pounds and the fear makes for it.

all this information is quiet interesting. I haven't experience the shadow people phenomena, but I had experience what I think something similar to it. I had seen people at one instant then nothing, specially if I am walking to an area and pass another area like a room, hall, etc. I get that surprised feeling that I just saw someone standing, and when I stop to look again, there is no one there. What freaks me out, is just there is a feeling of of uneasiness that I can't describe, my heart even starts beating rapidly. I say to myself, why feel this way, if there was nothing there or there is nothing there, I shouldn't have this feeling, but I no matter what I still get that feeling.

this is another info I found

Shadow people are
seen by thousands of people and
some speculate they're another
'species' of life that just move too
fast for us to see. Some catch
them out of the corner of their
eyes and others have had pretty
harrowing, face-on encounters
with them.
There are people who swear if
you record with a web camera
like this and play it back, or
record with a video camera and
loop it thought your TV, then look
frame by frame when you're
done, you'll find all kinds of
beings/things stopping by.
Cameras see things we can't and
don't. You know that odd feeling
that you're being watched?

My sister in law, whom I consider a very interesting person, once made a comment that took me by surprise. She blurred out something that later on she wont explained why she said it. After long time she visited us and stayed for a week with us. One night while watching tv at the living room, she made the comment that people had said that there ghost would appear in this house. I really dont remember how come we started talking about it. When I asked her, what she was talking about. She said, "yeah! they say that some times a ghost of a kid appears in this house". I asked her who told her that, she wont say anything else about it. I don't think that my sister in law that lives with us said something like that, otherwise she would had told me about seen ghosts of kids. =/
Well, any ways I say that my sister in law that made that comment is very interesting, cause, I noticed that she sometimes says things that freak me out. I wouldn't go into detail cause I would start ranting like always.

Well, when my sister in law made that comment, the first thing that came to my mind, was that it could be the youngest son of the past owner that had drowned on the beach along with the father that had tried to save him. A pretty sad story.
Sometimes, I think this house needs a good blessing with lots and lots of holly water. Seems like everything goes wrong for us. All of those who live in this house.

shadow people

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