Jul 26, 2007 11:38
And now it's over. I actually finished on Sunday, but had to re-read the
last 200 pages or so because I was crying very heavily during those pages on
my first go round. You know, it's not that easy to read when you can barley
see the words through tears.
Anyway, I am not going to write a review of the last Harry Potter book. I
don't do reviews really. I'll just say I liked it. It dragged in some places
and seemed to go in hyper-speed in others. Seriously some of those
chase scenes I had to read the paragraphs a few times because I felt like my
eyes were just whipping across the words.
Some things were a little cheesy, but I think it was a very fitting end to a
series that so many have loved for so many years.
I am already starting to feel the Harry withdrawal. I know there are two
more movies and Rowling said this yesterday:
"In her first tell-all interview since the release of 'Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows,' J.K. Rowling told TODAY¹s Meredith Vieira she 'probably
will' publish a Potter encyclopedia, promising many more details about her
beloved characters and the fate of the wizarding world beyond the few clues
provided in the seventh book¹s epilogue."
Well that's something I guess ... it's still sad though.
harry potter