Fanfiction: Run Screaming Through the Dark

Aug 15, 2010 01:14

 title  Run Screaming Through The Dark  author  Kitchengirl  status  Complete || 4250  rated  T || Child abuse  summary  Canonverse || Veser, Lee || Veser had learned, a long time ago, that it was better not to run.  faor says  There are hints throughout the comic of what kind of life Veser has had to live through, and Kitchengirl does a great job of delving into his world. It's dark, but it shrugs off any pity and tragedy the same way Veser would. The portrayal of his friendship with Lee only deeps the subtle sadness to the piece.

rated: pg-13, genre: angst, f.webcomic: hinabn, pairing: none, genre: gen, length: 1000-5000, *faor's recs, verse: canon, medium: fanfiction

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