Fanfiction: In the Silence Afterward, by ibroketuesday

Apr 08, 2011 17:26


In the Silence Afterward




Complete || 13000+


NC-17 || Violence, brief torture, angst and darkness up the wazoo, character death


Alternate Universe (from 4x22 onwards) || Dean/Cas || “Your body was a ragged tapestry, riddled with holes and rotted threads and bleached of color. I wove the very fabric of your flesh back to wholeness and health, I threaded it with nerves and veins and hair. I painted life into your blood. I stitched you together atom by atom, Dean, and then I wrapped your soul inside.”

heather says

More like ibrokeheather, jesus christ. This fic tore me apart in ways that fic never has before- Faor sent me an email the other night about putting in the tag "best of the best," which reminded me of this. I... It's one of the most beautiful fics I have ever read and I finished it months ago and haven't been brave enough for a reread, but I still feel raw from how fucked this made me emotionally. This is the first fic that has ever made me truly cry. It is beautiful and terrible in it's brilliance, and I mean that as the highest of compliments. This is what I wanted from Season 5. This is the Apocalypse that I wanted. I still don't have words for it. Basically, Dean loses his voice on the night he meets Lucifer. Cas helps him through the apocalypse. Do not be scared off by my tears, because I promise you it will be worth it.

genre: angst, length: 10000-50000, genre: drama, -best of the best, genre: friendship, *heather's recs, f.television: supernatural, pairing: castiel/dean, verse: alternate universe, genre: hurt/comfort, rated: nc-17, genre: character study, medium: fanfiction

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