A break in name

Nov 26, 2008 02:03

Wow. It has been a while since my last update. Has so much time really slipped by?

There is precious little of report to report, however; other than my growth as a programmer and some news of classes next semester. Life goes on much as it did before: no instant death, life-changing experiences or revelations. I feel as if the boundaries of my mind have expanded to a certain leveling point, and that something will be required to push it further. Hopefully this current project (StorySigns -- the project web site will reside on http://storysigns.lucidanomaly.net/ as will instructions on how to sign up for a copy and beta tester status.

I have spent 90% of my waking time for the last week and a half working on a web site, FoodBuzz. Its not the final name, but it will do for the time being. It currently lives at http://www.lucidanomaly.net/FoodBuzz/ and has a number of bugs and usability issues in it. I'm going to work with the group to get it into shape, but there is still much that needs to be done before it is due next Tuesday.

Tonight Jack and Maya and I watched Back to the Future. Such a good movie. Its been years since I've watched it from beginning to end. Much of the time in High School I'd catch a portion of it, but usually after it started. I still get the emotions from watching it. Emotions I've felt rather devoid of lately. No stories I've read from DreamSongs really does it, nor from my latest copy of Fantasy and Science Fiction. I've resolved to acquiring enough money to buy subscriptions for as many magazines as I can, and read them cover to cover. Meanwhile, I'm also planning on reading through winter break and working on StorySigns. I don't think I'll be getting a job. The danger remains that I will be less than productive if I don't have deadlines and coworkers as I have had for the FoodBuzz project, but I think I am improving with respect to that.

Yeah. I think my life needs to be rebalanced, or it will soon rebalance itself for me. Forceably. After the end of this semester, I am taking a break. But until such time, I'm going to try and find the time to go to the gym, meet new people, and go dancing. I'm starting to feel constricted, though I enjoy the time spent with my friends, I feel I need more than they can provide.

storysigns, relationships, frineds, george r.r. martin, school, projects, maya, thoughts, jack

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