May 24, 2011 18:39
SO! Since it's been awhile since I posted on this thing:
I love the new banner! Heck, if it were possible I'd keep it this way for good.
... but I don't love how LJ eats my notifs like candy once in awhile every time the site changes like this.
Right now I'm taking a break from running around today and going to do some more housework stuff.
But yeah, today! I had to stop by work since they lost some of my forums that I needed to refill. I didn't really care, as long as I'm not the one fucking up I'm pretty patient with this sort of thing. Plus it gave me some extra time to familiarize myself with the place and I actually have my schedule now which makes me happy.
THEN! We ran around some more because my brother had stuff to do. Which was okay. We took the dog with us. I seriously think it would be a cool idea to actually train her to be a therapy dog. The only thing is that she's scared of children and things rolling around on wheels. She doesn't get aggressive with them, just runs around and barks. But she's very friendly and is actually really good with elderly people. She's normally pretty intense but it was nice today seeing her greet the old people it's like she just knew to tone it down and was over all really well behaved! :D
But yeah, still have to do my chores around the house in a little bit. Miiiight be able to sneak in some tagging but I get the feeling most of that will be done later tonight. Booo. At least I'm trying not to be too slow, but these past few days have been a little funky between real life stuff and my computer needing a good smack with a blunt object that is preferably large and heavy. I swear my computer is sentient and wants revenge the machine uprising is starting! All hail our new robot overlords!