I will find every excuse I can to use this icon... at least this entry talks about hats

May 03, 2011 20:31

So the other day I went window shopping with my mom (and by "the other day" I mean saturday since I fail at updating his). It was a lot more fun then it sounds. Especially when we went into hot topic and mom was freaking out. I was basically "Wow, they have a lot of Invader Zim stuff in here" however my mom is convinced that animecon hats are fetish wear and she never wants me to wear a hat that has ears and a tail on it. I tried to tell her otherwise but was pretty unconvincing... probably because I was giggling too much. I should go in there myself sometime because they do have Adventure Time and Pokemon and Zelda and oh no I'm such a geek for animation and comics and videogames. Later I remembered one time I was grocery shopping with her and I saw a guy with a panda hat that I thought was adorable and my mom was all "you should tell him!" even though he was like, twice my age and his mom was with him. I guess she forgot about that 8|a I am so screwed in the memory department

I also found a pair of purple legging jeans that I kind of wanted to buy them (since no wardrobe is complete without purple pants and I've always wanted some and they were cheap) but didn't since it'll soon be too hot for them and by the time summer is over they'd be too big for me. In retrospect I should have just bought a pair too small for me since I really liked them but hindsight is 20/20.

But yeah, it's fun to visit. Also that day my cat must have found feline ecstasy left over catnip in the carpet because she rolled around on the floor before she started chasing her tail. No really she just decided to play with her tail and it is on the top 10 list of both the most hilarious and the most adorable things I've ever seen a cat do. Between this, playing fetch, and following me around the house, I'd say she's more like a dog then a cat sometimes. then again, between all of those behaviors, her aversion to affection from almost all people, and randomly trying to climb up walls sometimes... I think she's just a certifiably insane cat. But hey, we get each other.
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