I got weak. I bought another orchid. How can I claim to be so hardcore when I buy flowering plants? Just like this, apparently. If I was going to go to ren far, how would I dress? Reasonably speaking. Well, the dress at ren fair isn't very reasonable, so I imagine i would be wearing black leather armour. I don't think i could get away with wearing any of the foppish dandy crappy McCrapwich stuff. Too fluffy for me. So on the the good news:
this is what she will look like if i have my way
Life is somewhat interesting. It appears that all the girls I am interested in here either have a boyfriend already (never stopped me before...) or are emotionally crippled due to their quest for education. How sad that nobody has time to stop and smell the orchids with me. And the girlfriend(s) i do have right now, I am not interested in, very much at least. I talked to
mylemon, she has quite a head on her shoulders, although I am not sure where her shoulders are. 9-8-7-6-5-11... note to self: don't read other peoples' journals, they might have more interesting lives than you or more friends. I have like, two friends, and I am just fine with that because my journal isn't here for others' edification, it's here for me. So fuck off? No, but I am not pouring out my soul *dramatic voice* for you to help me. I don't need help at all. Fuck that. I am hyperfunctional. I'll fix YOU, bitch! No I won't actually, I'm not in that business anymore. Err... yeah.