Feb 11, 2007 16:04
Seems like everyone I know talks to my ex and just hasnt been telling me shit.
"friends" eh?
Jaysus, so whenever I talk about her they choose to not only let me know that she's ok, but listen to me while they know another side.
No wonder all my conversatioons have been unfulfilling on the topic of her, because they are all holding back.
thats batshit. I'm so fucking blind.
So we shorten her plan making and the timeline to December now, THATS when she took the time to track down my friends (maybe even before that) to tell them the "News"...
So thats 13 months from leaving me (maybe shorter) to moving...
I'ma go Emo or summat.
I wonder: if I took a poll, how many "friends" have been misleading me?
...I'll likely have more to say on this later...