Jun 09, 2006 17:11
-Name: Katy
-Brothers: 0
-Sisters: 0
-Eye color: honey brown
-Shoe size: 10-11
-Height: 5'9ish
-Innie or Outie: Innie
-What are you wearing right now?: black gaucho's and a plum tee and a black tee
-Where do you live?: with my parents :X
-Righty or lefty?: Righty
-Best place to go for a date?: I'll let you know when I get a normal date lol! nah... some place relaxed
-If you were to have kids right now: my life would be a mess
-Month: June and Decemeber
-Juice: orange
-Breakfast: eggies lol
-Number: 7
Have You Ever....
-Bungee jumped: no
-Gone skinny dipping: yes
-Played Truth or Dare: yep
-Been in a police car: no
-Been on a plane: yes
-Came close to dying: yeah... i was 9
-Been in a sauna: yep
-Been in a hot tub: yep
-Swam in the ocean: nope
-Fallen asleep in school: more times than i can count...
-Broke someones heart: I'm sure... but it was enivitable
-Sat by the phone all night: yeah... so sad but so true
-Been cheated on: not sure... I'm assuming yes though
-What's your room like?: Well if it wasn't a mess it could be in a magazine it's so well designed... no lie
-What is beside you: cd's
-What is the last thing you ate? cold pizza
-What kind of shampoo do you use? pantine
Ever Had...
-Chicken pox: yep
-Sore throat: yep
-Stitches: yes
-Broken nose: nope
Do You...
-Believe in love at first sight: sort of...
-Like picnics: their cute
-Like school: no not really... but I'll be there 'til I'm 30 ish
-Was the last person you called: my hunnie Leo
-The last person you danced with: hmmm.... ang maybe
-Makes you smile: My hunnie Leo
-Did you last yell at?: my mom prolly
-Broke your heart: we're leaving this blank
-Told you they loved you?: Leo
-Do you like filling these out? when i'm really bored.
-Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: nope
-Do you like yourself?: for the most part
-Do you get along with your family? meh...
More Questions:
-What are you listening to right now: my mom playing a video game
-What did you do yesterday?: went to work and then spent time with my Leo
-Hated someone in your family: yes
-What car do you wish to have?: anything new... or not more than 4 years old
-Good driver: yeah
-Good singer: sometimes...
-Diamond or pearl: diamond...their a girls' best friend dontcha know?!
-Are you the oldest?: both... I'm the only lol
-Indoor or outdoor?: indoor... outside there are buggies
Today did you...
-Talk to someone you liked: Yes
-Buy something new: no
-Get sick: no
-Sing: yeah
-Talked to an ex: no
-Miss someone?: yes
Last person who....
-Was on your bed?: me
-You went to the movies with?: Leo
-You went to the mall with: me
Have you....
-Ever been in a fight with your pet:? yeah
-Been to California: no
-Been to Mexico: no.
-Been to Canada: yes
-Been to Africa: no
-Do you have a crush on someone: no
-What books are you reading now: brave new world and something about cult killers...
-Best feeling in the world: things going as planned
-Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
-What's under your bed: lots of crap
-Favorite sport to watch: HOCKEY!!
-Favorite location?: Where there is warmness
-Piercing/Tattoos: Piercings: 3 lobes, 3 cartilage, 1 industrial, nose, tongue Tattoos: between my shoulders
-What are you most scared of right now: not being able to pay my bills
-Who do you really hate? we'll leave this blank
-Do you have a job?: yeah I work retail at Lane Bryant...
-Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: yep
-Are you lonely right now: not really....
What's stuck in your head right now? nothing
Have you ever gotten beat up: No
-Ever liked someone but thought they'd never noticed you: yes
-Your Favorite Food?: idk
-Have you ever cried for no reason? yea... all the time
-Are you too shy to ask someone out?:no
-Hugs or kisses?: Both
-Butter, plain or salted popcorn?: extra butter and extra salt
-Favorite Flower?: roses and lilacs and lillys
-Have you ever fired a gun?: no
-Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car: plane, i want to be there and having fun as soon as possible...
-How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
-Do you think your ex misses you?: He should but I doubt it, he didn't miss me while we were together...