Apr 08, 2006 21:25
well i went to the ren fair today. i had about 3 hours of sleep and a hang-over but i went. walking around sportin my kilt felt good. the drama involved in finaly geting the damn think made isnt worth mentioning. sufice it to say i did for once go in costume which was worth it although it isn't done yet (but will be shiped to me soon). sooooo what do you do when your tired, hung over, have a spliting headache cause you dont have sunglasses in florida(yea reel smart)? you drink more beer. to be honest it was the best option open to me. speking of more beer did i tell y'all to go to the ren-fair smoker?
i cant help but think, ney know, that if i had my car right now i would have A. gotten enough sleep B. not been there drinking all day C. stoped myself way sooner knowing i needed to drive and D. not forgoten my book (the red dwarf novel which i was half way through and fucking loving)in my friends car or went the whole day without the afor mentioned and fucking vital sun glasses.
now im siting at home force feeding myself water and just trying to say up long enough so that i can go to sleep without horibly fucking up my diurnal system.
di·ur·nal ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-ûrnl)
Relating to or occurring in a 24-hour period; daily.
Occurring or active during the daytime rather than at night: diurnal animals.
Botany. Opening during daylight hours and closing at night.