STuff and such and such

Jun 04, 2005 13:43

Alrighty, Yeah...up-dates. Well, not much has been going on, I suppose. The other day was fun, I went to a free beach with Carl, Karol,Boo,ect.....joe cat. Yeah, we brought the cat. Anyways, Boo Booo and I went into the lake and search for rocks and went swimming and such. Everyone eles is a chicken shit. Oh no, it's to cold! Bleh, Boo and I had fun though. Hmmm, I just found out that I can't recieve any credit for my grades. I am passing 3 out of 4 classes and I can't get my fucknig many unexcused absences. Fucking jesus. I hate those people. I am about to fucknig bitch the fuck out of them. NOOOO, fuck that.... I am. That princible can suck my balls. Thats bulshit. I did not start school back up just so I could wake my happy ass up every mornin' to not get credit for my fucking classes. I am fucknig Irate. Someone is just gonig to have to die. WAit, noo...I can't get all buligerant. That never got anyone anywhere. I must go and talk rationally, then, if that does not work. I am fucknig gonig off on them. Soo, yeah, I get out of school on the 8th. I don't think there is any reason for me to even go.

Lastnight, Carl and I went and took a little adventure to Marshall. We just walked around the town and did nothing at night time. It was such a beatiful ngiht out. I miss that little town so bad. I took Carl to my secret place, the parking garage...shhh. I walk around and all I could do was talk about all the memories I have there. Hopfully we will be getting a APT there soon. THis summer I plan on doing a lot of things! TO LAZY to name it all right now though. I hate being poor. We will be on walfare and WICC soon. Whoopies for having a unemployed mother...a step dad who brings home like 35$ of his pay check. A father I still have yet to talk to or recieve any form of support from. I am pretty much on my own in life.... Carl and I. So, kids, I have not done any drug for like weeks! Thats right, nothing. I have not even smoked pot....or even drank. Nothing. Nothing at all. I think in I need to start submitting some of my work and writing into contest. You can win like 200 bucks in some one those. Not to sound like some egotistical dork. But when I want to, I can write some pretty good stuff. Yeah.. I get real lazy though...

TOday one of my little borthers B-day party.. Soo, Carl and I are here. No one is here right now though. I don't know where they all are? I am to poor to buy anything for him... sOOOO, I am gonig to give him a necklace. ..and I made Carl stop the carl sooo I could pick some pretty purple flowers. Sooo, thats all I can give him. Parents can't really aford awhole lot either....but /i think other peopel fro mthe fam got him some stuff sooo. I mean , the kid alreadys has a ass load of toys. My sweet little mother...missed all these diffrent paints we have and made this pretty green and painted. Painted his room and set it all up pretty and stuff. It's cute! Well, I think they are here now... I lvoe you all....keep staying happy.
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