(no subject)

Oct 17, 2005 14:50

Dear Ilene, financial aid lady,
you frustrate me and sadden me to the point that I am sick to my stomach, literally. Good think I anticipated this and didn't eat lunch before talking to you, else I would probably have puked all over your office in despair. I cried as is.
I understand that the system is based on a set of government-provided imperfect forms, but after I told you the particular situation in which I find myself, why can't you turn off your damn computer and look at the facts- yes my dad makes money, yes YOU count private education as a discretionary expense, but NO it is not really for a high school student trying to get into a good college where I live. I have 3 siblings, and as a fair parent would do, mine have divided all available assets (which are much bigger than they could be, my parents value education above living in a house big enough to comfortably fit all of us) by the number of kids to give each kid an equal percentage of the available money for school. yeah, if they were to pay it foward to me, I'd be ok, but how can you as people, especially if you're a parent as I gathered by the crayon picture on your wall, expect them to do that??! This is not the days when only the smartest, or only the boy went to school, now everbody should have that opperunity in a family!
Talking to you was worse than a robot voice on the telephone- I KNOW that you have a form. I know that you don't take into account the full cost of giving a kid a decent education to give them a good chance to get into a good college. but if you keep doing it this way, you'll end up with the incredibly wealthy and the incredibly poor, and nobody in between, regardless of ability. You kept saying that "it's a choice" on whether to assume that much debt- yes it's a choice to a point. Past that point, it becomes impossible to pay back the loans on a fresh-from-college salary and still eat.
i know you have a certain time of year when you're used to doing financial aid calculating, but I need to know whether or not I can stay before the deadline of applying to transfer to another school, because otherwise I'm going to be living at home doing nothing because you couldn't get off your ass fast enough to help me.
I expected better from you.
now to play the hop-the-ranks game.
no love, despair, and nausea,
freshman engineer
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