Feb 07, 2005 00:33
From which platform do I launch with this desire to give voice to this patient Love? I suppose I've just answered my question. I am the cork...one that tries to convince the bottle of its absence. You can still flow, don't worry. There is nothing blocking the way. The pressure is building and this Love cannot wait.
My lips are dry
and my voice quiet from neglect.
I want to let loose
these waters with a scream
as soft and as subtle
as words between lovers
when the night has ended.
I want to wear the pain
that has no opposite.
I want to pull it over me
as a skin from unknown depths
and discard this tired
and familiar shell
without looking back.
This pain that is my salvation
is more wonderful
than the waking eyes of a child,
or a seedling carried
upon warm spring air.
It is the structure and substance
of all that is.