(no subject)

Oct 28, 2009 20:54

Well, the Poe field trip went fairly well, except that I started my period early. Fantastic. And it had to start when I was going to go visit a museum, and with my usual "oh god cramps so bad that I cannot walk and am instead going to collapse in a ball in a corner somewhere and whimper incoherently."

Luckily, someone had Motrin, so I was able, after an hour spent napping in my friend's car, to go to dinner afterwards, but argh. Just. Argh.

It also means that while I got through the first set of GRE practice questions for the Verbal, I'm at a point where I cannot bloody concentrate on anything. I think I may go and read more Virginia Woolf for Friday so it's at least out of the way.

So, despite that setback in my studying schedule, I at least 1. canceled my grad school appointment for Friday (it wasn't going to work out anyway, the time was all wrong), 2. Got my creative writing homework done for tomorrow and 3. am halfway through the first reading for Friday. It still means that I will have to kick myself tomorrow. And well, one set of questions on the Verbal isn't so bad? I just... you know that you need to stop for the night when your average score suddenly plummets from 85% to 76%. Yeah.

Aside: I am not normally a fan of Virginia Woolf, but The Waves is some of the most goddamn brilliant prose-poetry I have ever read. There are some sentences which make me drift and soar; and if I'm not careful I'm going to start writing in that style.

I might try it anyway. This is good stream-of-consciousness. Mmmm.

graduate school, life, college

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