Sinking my own ship

May 05, 2009 12:00

So I realized yesterday that I may well have scuttled my own chances at getting a proper job this summer.

See, I signed up to be a Peer Mentor at school, which is a great oppertunity - it lets me say "Hey I totally have leadership and team building skills" while giving something back to the college community. Awesome!

Except I have to be back at school before 10:00 AM on the 15th of August, no exceptions, or I lose the position.

This isn't an obligation I can back down on. I'm doing it for credit (which I might not get ANYWAY since I graduate in November OOPS) and I get paid to do it, and I promised not one but two professors (It's a dual-taught class) that I'd be available for this.

I also don't get OUT of school until the 23rd. This WAS flexible at one point, but not any more - I've made appointments and arrangements you know what? Fuck if I'm going to miss my best friends doing their graduation. It's bad enough that I don't get to walk with them, I'm not going to abandon them too.

"So why is that so hard?" you ask.

Because the job I'm interviewing for today is in New York City. It's a little hard - no, it's impossible to be able to suddenly be ready to go with housing to NYC in less than a day. To be ready to go back to school and move in on the 15th (the reason I have to be there so ungodly early) I'd need at least a full day. So I'd have to come back down on the 13th, do laundry and pack like a thing possessed on the 14th, then move back up on the 15th).

That's only 80 days at most. That's a generous estimate, there. This internship's supposed to be 90 days.

I'm going to ask anyway just in case, but hoo boy is the week after I get out of school going to be made of crazy if I get this thang.

*E* Did I mention that this is made about four times as hard since I can't, you know, have a car in NY to bring my stuff up in?


Because there are only three weeks left in my semester and becuase I am on the final push for my sem paper... I have no time for more job apps. I just don't. My ship is sunk, man. I applied to 30 places total and got interviews at two. Those are shitty, shitty odds.

At least with Wold Trap I might be able to apply again next year...

job, halp, omgwtfbbq

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