well you found me
was it worth it?
hello, and welcome to the enrichment center.
hello, and welcome to the enrichment center
hello, your specimen has been processed
hello, your specimen has been processed
hello, and we are now ready to begin the test proper
T H E__D E V I C E__H A S__B E E N__M O D I F I E D
Hi there.
If you're here, you've come here from elsewhere.
Welcome to my thoughts.
If you've come here from
the Myst: The Motion Picture Production Blog or elsewhere, yes, this is the new location of my blog. This is actually a far older blog than
Scheming Hot Tea, started when I was in high school. It is also a great deal more informal and tends to consist mostly of me whining about my life.
Though, now that
Scheming Hot Tea, I find myself still wanting a place to more formal in my posts.
Yes, there are friendslocked posts. Most of them are private things, consisting of me whining even more vehemently about my life (for what else are blogs for?) Some of them are fiction writings or requests for help with papers, which are locked to keep people from ganking my work. It's happened before, it's not happening again.
As usual, I find myself being a bit TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read for those who don't speak Internet)
So yes. Hello, and welcome.