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Nov 11, 2012 19:24

Mosby turned 6 months on Saturday. Yes, we are THOSE people that celebrate a dog's 6 month birthday. We got up early, hit the dog park with coffee (where it was confirmed that my dog is a total attention whore. he completely ignored us and ran around insisting everyone in the dog park pet him. thank god he is shaggy and cute and most people want to pet him.) and stopped by PetSmart on the way home to get him a bone and a new toy. We had a wedding in Old Town last night that was just beautiful and hilarious at the same time (monotone priest that was the perfect mix of princess bride and SNL skit, random homeless bag lady that wandered into the church during the ceremony and sat on the back row to take a nap...on our way out she looks at me in a black dress and Matt in a suit and asks, "Ya'll the ones got murried?")

Today was a lazy day, we slept in as late as the puppy would allow - 9:30, actually pretty impressive for him! - then took the pup and had lunch outside and hit a few vineyards.

We also FINALLY bought a harness -- he is already walking better and pulling less. He's actually been great on a leash from the first weekend we got him, but if a child or other dog passes us he freaks out and pulls my arm off trying to get to them (and get love and attention). We walk him so early in the morning that no one is out, but hopefully this will make the evening walks more fun for both of us.

I have had so.much.wine this weekend that I'm about ready to give up drinking all together for a while. I know that won't happen, but I'm ready for a break. Tomorrow Matt and our friend Anthony are going to play flag football with some redskin alums at redskin park and I guess the wive are going to cheer them on and eat for free...after that, it's a water only diet for the rest of the week. My body can't take anymore.
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