Title: Unknown Origins
Author: Lisa
Status: Completed One-shot
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: BtVS/SPN
Pairing: Gen. Fic
Genre: Drama/Angst
Summary: Let’s just say my last encounter involved lots of creepy chanting with blood rituals, think Alice Cooper’s concert without the actual music.
Challenge: January 2008 Challenge @
buffyxdean Prompt # 1
Comments 8
The little exchange about the booty call and the pills? Loved it.
Frankly, I'd love to see more of this if your muse ever feels the urge to expand this 'verse.
Buffy gets the whole saving your sibling thing.
I thought the booty call and pills was funny and very excited to know that it came off well. So embarrassing when you're the only one that finds something funny.
The muse is a tricky little vixen but you never know. She could be inspired to do a little companion piece or something. *kicks her*
Thanks for reading, helping and taking the time to leave feedback. Mucho appreciated! xoxo
:: mind boggles ::
Thanks again for beta'ing. *mwah* And thanks for leaving me feedback!
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Are you enjoying the SPN fanfic you've found? Have you been watching SPN since the pilot or have you just gotten into the fandom?
Thanks for reading and taking the time to leave feedback, it's truly appreciated.
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Oo! I'm so glad you like Rt: 66, I'm the mod there. *waves* You should also check out buffyxdean, which I also run. lol Feel free to go on tangents! I agree, I think opposites attract. Of course, that being said if someone were to rec me an amazing Dean/Faith piece I'd read.
Jensen does make it easy to love the fandom. Scary easy. Jared and him just crack me up! Make sure you watch the features on DVD's when they come in. *snickers*
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