Life is precious.

Sep 17, 2003 19:16

My bestfriend, Danna gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Evan Laurence Rendon Soliven weighing in at 7 pounds and 7 ounces, 19 1/2 inches at 4:48 am, on Tuesday Septemeber 16, 2003.

I received Brian's phone call at 3:51 am "Danna's 7 ct. dilated" so being the panicking person that I am, Sid and I drove to Jamaica Hospital in a rush and the security guards just let me up, while Sid had to stay downstairs. I come up and and she was in so much pain, well come to find out she wanted a PURELY NATURAL BIRTH. No epidoral and no other sedations. While I was fanning her, Brian was next to me telling her "Come on Bey, one more push." Brian and I sees the head and we look at each other telling her to push and the what seemed like 4538490809 Doctors that were there were telling her the same. Then all the sudden, Evan comes out and Brians hugging me saying "O I knew it was going to be a boy" and I'm in awe and we were all just very overwhelmed. She was only in labor for 3 hours and 48 mins, not bad huh ? The hospital didn't let me video tape the birth but as soon as he came out I started rolling the video cam and taking a million pictures.

I can't tell you how great it felt to be in the room with my bestfriend, witnessing the birth of her baby, it was truly amazing. He was big but at the same time tiny, his skin glowed and took after his mama's features, we waited for him for so long but time did fly by, he opened his eyes and gazed at his new surrondings, he is a miracle and one of God's precious gifts. I really don't understand how people can abort their own seed, seeing her deliver this miracle that grew in her womb for 9 months was truly ... special. I'm really at a lost for words, but Congratulations Danna and Brian for bringing in a beautiful baby to this world.

Evan Laurence

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