
Nov 21, 2006 21:21

Had the most utterly stupid comment/argement with my mother earlier, she was talking about washing her hands so much as with my emet, I like the kitchen to be clean ect, but its not that shes slack im just slightly annoying and obsessive, she said, I have cracked hands, and I said well stop touching the bins ect and just make you dinner then do everything after it, which would make more sense I would think, and yes I realise I sound slightly selfish hmm, but she then said I need to be careful as I work with people with MRSA, which I completly agree with, but I said if you are working with someone who has MRSA, you will be wearing gloves wont you, and she said yes but, and Im like but what? I never ever ever ever want her to contract anything like that or anything for that matter as I love her to death and would die for her without a second thought Id give her my last drop of blood if she needed it to live but what she said next was pretty funny..
She came back in and said right, I want X ammount of money for this months rent and I looked at her, as if to say WTF!?? and she said well until you pay for things ect dont be saying things like that and acting smart, I burst out laughing I was so shocked at the cheap shot she took.
I cant pay for things at the moment as Im not working ect, its as if she couldnt return with anything else other than that to what I said so had to shoot me down with something totally obvious it was just funny, but yes, hmm *screws up face*

So last night, I was having a chat with this guy, just a laugh friendly ect, then later in the convo, he comes out with, I want to see where this goes, I was like, where what goes, well were friends and I like you im like woah, Im only talking to you as a friend, why are you getting the impression that I want to be with you?? So yea, huh? whats that all about.. I dont know, must be my fault!!

I felt really sh*t today, I woke up and ended up getting into a fight with my mum but it seemed to just last all day constantly snapping at each other, soo pointless, but shes stressed and Im just feeling awful!

I have came to think that this move is just going to have to happen whether I like it or not, but theres so many things in my life that I want to do and that I want to change, just hate the fact that Im having to do this and stop going to do what it is that I want to do for now, to make other people happy..

It seems to be what Im always doing, going out of my way to make other people happy, now dont get me wrong I really do love to help people ect but I really want to get somewhere with my life, go do my art find a new group of friends have a laugh ect, not just be stuck in something I dont want to be in you know :S

guess thats about it for now, probably not the last though, to much going on in my head to just leave it in there..
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