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Nov 10, 2009 00:03

  • 14:25 crochetcrochetcrochet #
  • 17:56 just got back from workin outtt. time to crochet and study for religion in culture test #
  • 19:19 @ Hakuji *hug* #
  • 20:09 dear 4chan person who has been repeatedly "calling me out". Sry, I don't post without my trip :B #
  • 20:10 shower time #
  • 21:38 @ Hakuji some faggos keep calling out random anon with "hey argento" and I have a feeling they're trying to make it seem like i'm... #
  • 21:39 @ Hakuji ...still trying to start shit with certain people I couldn't care less about :/ Idk mannnngggg #
  • 21:41 @ Yamplifier it took me a bit to get a hang of it, I found that a large-guage yarn helps with learning to make sure everything looks right #
  • 22:07 its only 10pm and it feels like 2am... ughhhhhhhhhh #
  • 22:07 orderin me sum latex tomorrow #
  • 22:08 You might be busier than you prefer today as you try to keep a... More for Virgo #
  • 22:26 @ Hakuji I mean in general I've been trying to keep a low profile since sept but it doesnt seem to be working too well. #
  • 23:07 @ Hakuji lol yeah funny how things work out that way. I haven't *personally* had any drama since then, despite what people may say XD #
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